President Obama has been far from bashful when it comes to the practice of unorthodox (and un-Ameirican) methods under the guise of Executive Branch authority.  His entire presidency, thus far, has comprised of unprecedented actions which have never before been seen under an American sky since the inception of our great nation.  Whether it involves buying ownership equity positions in private institutions or bad-mouthing our country on foreign soil, he really wasn’t kidding when he said that he would work hard to change the fabric of our country.

Well, shame on you (if you were one of the water-heads who voted for him) for never insisting an explanation regarding exactly what kind of “change” he meant while on the campaign trail!  Shame on you, America!  Because now you’re (we’re) all getting exactly what you (we) deserve when you (we) don’t take voting seriously!

President Obama has quietly amassed a small army of radical soldiers to serve in an unprecedented capacity labeled as “Czars”.  These people are free from the horrible process of congressional approval, free from being questioned regarding thier past/current ideas on very important subjects, and free from answering to congress (or the people) as they answer only to the president!  Is this just a way for Obama to give his radical pals a high-paying government job with ridiculous benefits or is this bigger than that?  Is this a way for us to peak inside the mind of the mysterious Barack Obama and get a glimpse of what his true thoughts and opinions are regarding so many vital and important issues that plague our country?  Remember, we still don’t really know too much about our sitting president, which is not only frightening, but downright irresponsible (of us)!  Again…I say SHAME ON YOU, AMERICA, for never insisting upon an explanation when we had the chance!  Now we’re going to get radical wee-minded ideas and programs shoved down our throats for the next three and a half years. 

You might be thinking: ahhh, shucks…it’s only four years; we’ll be able to get this joker out of office in 2012 and replace him with a Reaganesque type of person to not only fix all of the many disasters Obama put us into, but also set us up for the next twenty years!

True, in order to get Ronald Reagan we had to suffer through Jimmy Carter.  Holding our breath until 2012 and surviving an Obama presidency may be what we unfortunately needed in order to see the brilliance of a person like Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich, but you’re fooling yourself if you think that Obama’s many social expiriments won’t have a long-lasting negative impact on our nation for years, if not decades, to come!  No mistake comes without consequences.  The consquences of having been fooled by Obama’s impressvive campaign marketing program (in order for him to get elected) WILL have lasting effects and could even include widespread economic disaster that takes years to recover from.  Inflation, for example, is not somethig that simply goes away after it’s reared its ugly head!  If you want proof about what I’m saying here then look no further than the lasting effects of FDR’s presidency…or should I say “reign”!  Nearly seventy years AFTER the FDR administration and we’re still being bitch-slapped with the ill-minded social expiriments of his day.  Social Security, which was supposed to be a volunteer social program only for those who wanted to be a part of it has now grown into the biggest, most corrupt Ponzi Scheme in the history of the world!  For anyone who really knows what a Ponzi Scheme is, you’ll understand what I’m saying.  All Americans are now forced to participate, but some Americans are treated worse than others…just ask small businesses who have to pay TWICE as much SS tax compared to an individual worker!  What started out as a voluntary 1% tax to fund the Social Security Fund has grown into a forced tax of 6.5% for individual workers or 13% for small business owners!  Everything…and I do mean EVERYTHING…that the federal government has laid their ugly hands on has become corrupt and laden with beaurocracy to the point of ridiculous amounts of inefficiencies.  I don’t have any verified data on this next statement I’m about to make, but I would bet that at least 90% of all government-run programs are either in the red (bankrupt/insolvent), horribly inefficient, demographically unfair (racist), and/or ridiculously oppressive (just ask a small business owner)!  Why in the hell would we even consider the notion of having government-run health care when their track record is God awful?  America better wake up or we’ll find ourselves trapped in the clutches of a “Nanny State”…from cradle to grave.

All of this woeful action is only heightened by our current president’s initiative to create an army of unaccountable and radical soldiers.  Past administrations have always had a “Drug Czar”, whose job it was to lead the efforts in America’s drug war.  The job, in and of itself, was really nothing more than a glorified press secretary because he/she really didn’t have too much power and still had to answer to the president, who had to answer to congress and the American people.  Time, however, has made it easier for the Drug Czar to create policy suggestion, spend ample amounts of money, and amass small bits of power from one year to the next.  The idea of having a Drug Czar kind of made sense to most Americans and no one really rejected the notion of having someone whose job it was to combat illegal drug activities on a daily basis.

President Obama, however, has taken this idea TO THE EXTREME with his unbelievable (yet, highly predictable) conglomeration of personal henchmen, whom he likes to call “Czars”.  To all of our surprise, he hasn’t just created four or five extra “Czar positions”, but rather FORTY!  Keep in mind that none of these people have to be vetted by congress or approved!  They’re just appointed, given a salary, and told what to do by the president.  They only answer to the president, too.  Scary?  Hell yes!  Orwellian?  Absolutely!

Just to make a point, one of Obama’s recently created Czars includes a fanatical radical who goes by the name of: Mark Lloyd.  His title?  Chief Diversity Officer.  His job?  To get private broadcasting stations (radio) to pay a 100% tax on their individual operating budget in order to fund public broadcasting stations.  What if the private broadcaster happens to run programs of a conservative political viewpoint?  Well, if they don’t antie up with the tax then they would recieve a mind-blowing $250 million fine!  FORGET THE “FAIRNESS DOCTRINE” BECAUSE THAT IDEA IS SO 2008!  The Obama administration is trying to enact a crippling blow to conservative radio through a back door venture of dyabolical proportions and his tool will be through the service of this newly appointed “Chief Diversity Officer“, Mark Lloyd, who will be given access to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and have influence in any new and existing programs.  Wow.

People…this is not going to be the last time Obama tries to bull his radical ideas through our country.  It certainly isn’t the first time, either.  As mentioned earlier, Obama has amassed 40+ “Czars” to silently articulate radical and Orwellian programs into law.  Also, instead of appointing level-headed individuals who share the same opinions as average Americans, Obama is appointing absolute fanatics and some of them have a track record that would make most felons blush!  Suddenly, Americans have found themselves in a position where they simply don’t have any choice in the matter…for at least the next three and a half years.  Congress has shown that they have no intention on listening to the American people even when polls show that the majority of Americans no longer support “Obamacare”, which this writer believes would be tantamount to accepting a socialist (or even fascist) mission statement for our country.  Could there be any more proof that Obama is looking to completely transform America into an extension of the European Union…and beyond?  How much more proof does the American people need before they realize that they elected an egotistical power-hungry ursuper who would like nothing more than to become “Dictator-in-Chief” rather than Commander-in-Chief?!

I am prayerfully opining to the heavens above that the American people as a whole will be wise enough to swallow their pride when the mid-term elections of 2010 come knocking.  I’m even more prayerfully desperate that the American people as a whole will wise up when it comes time to kick Obama out of the White House in 2012.  Pride can be a deadly and dibillitating ailment, thus making it very difficult to get rid of.  I’m hopeful, however, that Americans throughout the country will recognize that the “change” Obama was preaching during the campaign of 2007-2008 is 100% opposite of what America is made of.  I humbly submit that we needed (and desperately still need) a change in Washington because it was clear that things were getting out of control (evidenced by a congressional approval rate of single-digits…9%, which is so much more than merely embarrassing) with no signs of getting better.  With promises of transparency, openess, no more business as usual, ethical leadership, and “real change”, the only thing we’re getting from an Obama administration is “real change”.  The thing that stings is that the kind of change we’re getting from Obama is the kind of change that would even make most Europeans, Chineese, Islamists, and North Koreans uncomfortable! 

We are on a track for destruction, folks.  The America that you and I grew up with is getting closer and closer to becoming completely extinct.  Our children will not be able to grow up with the types of freedoms and childish carelessness that we had, either.  Their lives, unlike ours, will be statistically measured in order to gauge a numerical value in order to fit them in to a priority list of health care importance.  I would hate to think about the odds my grandchildren will have of being medically supported should they ever contract a serious illness.  It sends shivers down my spine to think about.

I know I put myself at risk of being reported to the White House by writing stuff like this, too.  When Obama’s people (yeah, that’s right…Czars) mentioned the other day that they are encouraging Americans to “tattle” on their neighbors whenever the voice opposition to any of King Obama’s Orwellian ideas it only made me feel more emboldened to stand up, talk louder, and fight back to the bitter end.  There’s no chance that our current administration of thugs will be able to silence The Proletariat…even in the face of death…should it ever come to that.  I’d rather my children grow up fatherless and be proud of me than grow up with a father who shrunk as a man in the face of adversity when it came to fighting for America.

I would rather die on the hill of integrity than live in the vally of compromise.

Stand up, America!  Stand up before it’s too late and America is changed forever!  It is NEVER un-American to show dissent, protest elected officials, or vocally oppose government!  Up until 2008, democrats believed the exact same thing, too!  It wasn’t until Obama took control that democrats started supporting the idea that vocal dissention and protesting was “astroturf”, fake, un-American, and unnecessary.  They didn’t seem to notice that while Cindy Sheehan and her few dozen of supporters decided to encroach upon president Bush’s private life (by hunting him down during a short vacation at his ranch in Texas) there were no calls from republicans to arrest her, silence her, or to shut her up.  They let her speak and they allowed her to protest.  Hell, they just flat out gave unadulterated permission for her to embarrass herself as many times as she wanted.  No one ever demeened her actions as unAmerican because, simply put, they weren’t.  Protesting (peacefully) is pure American; something that the Left has no idea about (ref.: Dem. National Convention; Republican Convention during Bush’s years; economic summits; etc…).  I pray that Americans will NEVER be dissuaded by the attempts of leftist politicians, television reporters, or Hollywood bastards to paint a picture that protesting Obama is futile.  STAND UP, AMERICA!


– Nostromos


PS…you need proof that the Administration is trying to pull the wool over your eyes and trick you into complacency?  Just take a look at how may “celebrities” are starting to come out of the woodworks in support of “Obamacare”!  Brad Pitt just took an opportunity to rail on dissenting Americans by appearing on Bill Maher’s show.  Ashton Kutcher (the MILFer) also took the same opportunity on the same bull-crap show to do the same shameless thing.  Their intention?  To play on the emotions of millions of people who LOVE these two men (actors…let’s face it…they pretend to be other people for a living and their compensation comes directly from OUR POCKETS; who’s kidding who here?)!  America…you are being PUNKED!