
President Obama has been far from bashful when it comes to the practice of unorthodox (and un-Ameirican) methods under the guise of Executive Branch authority.  His entire presidency, thus far, has comprised of unprecedented actions which have never before been seen under an American sky since the inception of our great nation.  Whether it involves buying ownership equity positions in private institutions or bad-mouthing our country on foreign soil, he really wasn’t kidding when he said that he would work hard to change the fabric of our country.

Well, shame on you (if you were one of the water-heads who voted for him) for never insisting an explanation regarding exactly what kind of “change” he meant while on the campaign trail!  Shame on you, America!  Because now you’re (we’re) all getting exactly what you (we) deserve when you (we) don’t take voting seriously!

President Obama has quietly amassed a small army of radical soldiers to serve in an unprecedented capacity labeled as “Czars”.  These people are free from the horrible process of congressional approval, free from being questioned regarding thier past/current ideas on very important subjects, and free from answering to congress (or the people) as they answer only to the president!  Is this just a way for Obama to give his radical pals a high-paying government job with ridiculous benefits or is this bigger than that?  Is this a way for us to peak inside the mind of the mysterious Barack Obama and get a glimpse of what his true thoughts and opinions are regarding so many vital and important issues that plague our country?  Remember, we still don’t really know too much about our sitting president, which is not only frightening, but downright irresponsible (of us)!  Again…I say SHAME ON YOU, AMERICA, for never insisting upon an explanation when we had the chance!  Now we’re going to get radical wee-minded ideas and programs shoved down our throats for the next three and a half years. 

You might be thinking: ahhh, shucks…it’s only four years; we’ll be able to get this joker out of office in 2012 and replace him with a Reaganesque type of person to not only fix all of the many disasters Obama put us into, but also set us up for the next twenty years!

True, in order to get Ronald Reagan we had to suffer through Jimmy Carter.  Holding our breath until 2012 and surviving an Obama presidency may be what we unfortunately needed in order to see the brilliance of a person like Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich, but you’re fooling yourself if you think that Obama’s many social expiriments won’t have a long-lasting negative impact on our nation for years, if not decades, to come!  No mistake comes without consequences.  The consquences of having been fooled by Obama’s impressvive campaign marketing program (in order for him to get elected) WILL have lasting effects and could even include widespread economic disaster that takes years to recover from.  Inflation, for example, is not somethig that simply goes away after it’s reared its ugly head!  If you want proof about what I’m saying here then look no further than the lasting effects of FDR’s presidency…or should I say “reign”!  Nearly seventy years AFTER the FDR administration and we’re still being bitch-slapped with the ill-minded social expiriments of his day.  Social Security, which was supposed to be a volunteer social program only for those who wanted to be a part of it has now grown into the biggest, most corrupt Ponzi Scheme in the history of the world!  For anyone who really knows what a Ponzi Scheme is, you’ll understand what I’m saying.  All Americans are now forced to participate, but some Americans are treated worse than others…just ask small businesses who have to pay TWICE as much SS tax compared to an individual worker!  What started out as a voluntary 1% tax to fund the Social Security Fund has grown into a forced tax of 6.5% for individual workers or 13% for small business owners!  Everything…and I do mean EVERYTHING…that the federal government has laid their ugly hands on has become corrupt and laden with beaurocracy to the point of ridiculous amounts of inefficiencies.  I don’t have any verified data on this next statement I’m about to make, but I would bet that at least 90% of all government-run programs are either in the red (bankrupt/insolvent), horribly inefficient, demographically unfair (racist), and/or ridiculously oppressive (just ask a small business owner)!  Why in the hell would we even consider the notion of having government-run health care when their track record is God awful?  America better wake up or we’ll find ourselves trapped in the clutches of a “Nanny State”…from cradle to grave.

All of this woeful action is only heightened by our current president’s initiative to create an army of unaccountable and radical soldiers.  Past administrations have always had a “Drug Czar”, whose job it was to lead the efforts in America’s drug war.  The job, in and of itself, was really nothing more than a glorified press secretary because he/she really didn’t have too much power and still had to answer to the president, who had to answer to congress and the American people.  Time, however, has made it easier for the Drug Czar to create policy suggestion, spend ample amounts of money, and amass small bits of power from one year to the next.  The idea of having a Drug Czar kind of made sense to most Americans and no one really rejected the notion of having someone whose job it was to combat illegal drug activities on a daily basis.

President Obama, however, has taken this idea TO THE EXTREME with his unbelievable (yet, highly predictable) conglomeration of personal henchmen, whom he likes to call “Czars”.  To all of our surprise, he hasn’t just created four or five extra “Czar positions”, but rather FORTY!  Keep in mind that none of these people have to be vetted by congress or approved!  They’re just appointed, given a salary, and told what to do by the president.  They only answer to the president, too.  Scary?  Hell yes!  Orwellian?  Absolutely!

Just to make a point, one of Obama’s recently created Czars includes a fanatical radical who goes by the name of: Mark Lloyd.  His title?  Chief Diversity Officer.  His job?  To get private broadcasting stations (radio) to pay a 100% tax on their individual operating budget in order to fund public broadcasting stations.  What if the private broadcaster happens to run programs of a conservative political viewpoint?  Well, if they don’t antie up with the tax then they would recieve a mind-blowing $250 million fine!  FORGET THE “FAIRNESS DOCTRINE” BECAUSE THAT IDEA IS SO 2008!  The Obama administration is trying to enact a crippling blow to conservative radio through a back door venture of dyabolical proportions and his tool will be through the service of this newly appointed “Chief Diversity Officer“, Mark Lloyd, who will be given access to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and have influence in any new and existing programs.  Wow.

People…this is not going to be the last time Obama tries to bull his radical ideas through our country.  It certainly isn’t the first time, either.  As mentioned earlier, Obama has amassed 40+ “Czars” to silently articulate radical and Orwellian programs into law.  Also, instead of appointing level-headed individuals who share the same opinions as average Americans, Obama is appointing absolute fanatics and some of them have a track record that would make most felons blush!  Suddenly, Americans have found themselves in a position where they simply don’t have any choice in the matter…for at least the next three and a half years.  Congress has shown that they have no intention on listening to the American people even when polls show that the majority of Americans no longer support “Obamacare”, which this writer believes would be tantamount to accepting a socialist (or even fascist) mission statement for our country.  Could there be any more proof that Obama is looking to completely transform America into an extension of the European Union…and beyond?  How much more proof does the American people need before they realize that they elected an egotistical power-hungry ursuper who would like nothing more than to become “Dictator-in-Chief” rather than Commander-in-Chief?!

I am prayerfully opining to the heavens above that the American people as a whole will be wise enough to swallow their pride when the mid-term elections of 2010 come knocking.  I’m even more prayerfully desperate that the American people as a whole will wise up when it comes time to kick Obama out of the White House in 2012.  Pride can be a deadly and dibillitating ailment, thus making it very difficult to get rid of.  I’m hopeful, however, that Americans throughout the country will recognize that the “change” Obama was preaching during the campaign of 2007-2008 is 100% opposite of what America is made of.  I humbly submit that we needed (and desperately still need) a change in Washington because it was clear that things were getting out of control (evidenced by a congressional approval rate of single-digits…9%, which is so much more than merely embarrassing) with no signs of getting better.  With promises of transparency, openess, no more business as usual, ethical leadership, and “real change”, the only thing we’re getting from an Obama administration is “real change”.  The thing that stings is that the kind of change we’re getting from Obama is the kind of change that would even make most Europeans, Chineese, Islamists, and North Koreans uncomfortable! 

We are on a track for destruction, folks.  The America that you and I grew up with is getting closer and closer to becoming completely extinct.  Our children will not be able to grow up with the types of freedoms and childish carelessness that we had, either.  Their lives, unlike ours, will be statistically measured in order to gauge a numerical value in order to fit them in to a priority list of health care importance.  I would hate to think about the odds my grandchildren will have of being medically supported should they ever contract a serious illness.  It sends shivers down my spine to think about.

I know I put myself at risk of being reported to the White House by writing stuff like this, too.  When Obama’s people (yeah, that’s right…Czars) mentioned the other day that they are encouraging Americans to “tattle” on their neighbors whenever the voice opposition to any of King Obama’s Orwellian ideas it only made me feel more emboldened to stand up, talk louder, and fight back to the bitter end.  There’s no chance that our current administration of thugs will be able to silence The Proletariat…even in the face of death…should it ever come to that.  I’d rather my children grow up fatherless and be proud of me than grow up with a father who shrunk as a man in the face of adversity when it came to fighting for America.

I would rather die on the hill of integrity than live in the vally of compromise.

Stand up, America!  Stand up before it’s too late and America is changed forever!  It is NEVER un-American to show dissent, protest elected officials, or vocally oppose government!  Up until 2008, democrats believed the exact same thing, too!  It wasn’t until Obama took control that democrats started supporting the idea that vocal dissention and protesting was “astroturf”, fake, un-American, and unnecessary.  They didn’t seem to notice that while Cindy Sheehan and her few dozen of supporters decided to encroach upon president Bush’s private life (by hunting him down during a short vacation at his ranch in Texas) there were no calls from republicans to arrest her, silence her, or to shut her up.  They let her speak and they allowed her to protest.  Hell, they just flat out gave unadulterated permission for her to embarrass herself as many times as she wanted.  No one ever demeened her actions as unAmerican because, simply put, they weren’t.  Protesting (peacefully) is pure American; something that the Left has no idea about (ref.: Dem. National Convention; Republican Convention during Bush’s years; economic summits; etc…).  I pray that Americans will NEVER be dissuaded by the attempts of leftist politicians, television reporters, or Hollywood bastards to paint a picture that protesting Obama is futile.  STAND UP, AMERICA!


– Nostromos


PS…you need proof that the Administration is trying to pull the wool over your eyes and trick you into complacency?  Just take a look at how may “celebrities” are starting to come out of the woodworks in support of “Obamacare”!  Brad Pitt just took an opportunity to rail on dissenting Americans by appearing on Bill Maher’s show.  Ashton Kutcher (the MILFer) also took the same opportunity on the same bull-crap show to do the same shameless thing.  Their intention?  To play on the emotions of millions of people who LOVE these two men (actors…let’s face it…they pretend to be other people for a living and their compensation comes directly from OUR POCKETS; who’s kidding who here?)!  America…you are being PUNKED!

Obama has certainly issued a lot of change in just four months so no one can say that he was lying on the campaign trail when he said that he’d work hard to “change things”.  No one knew, however, that his plan for “change” included a massive overhaul of the American capitalistic economy into a socialist/fascist state!  Well, some of us knew, but no one listened.  Folks, we absolutely WILL pay the price for what we have allowed to take place in 2009.  Americans are not nearly as pissed off as they ought to be and Obama, Inc. is getting away with things that have NEVER been done in our nation’s history. 

Off the top of my head, I have created a list of Obama accomplishments that often go under the radar due to the massive “Obamagasm” that is taking place by our nation’s media.  No one is reporting objectively anymore and it’s serving as a major weakness for our country.  Obama has (and will) opened the flood gates and our nation will never be the same again.  I absolutely feel confident saying that the United States will no longer be considered a “super power” within ten years.  The U.S. dollar will no longer be used as a “world currency” and our debt will consume us into a second-tier nation that our children’s children will be forced to deal with.

Without further delay, I present to you the list of Obamagasm accomplishments (in just four months):

  • He bows to the King of Saudi Arabia, which is something that has NEVER before been done by a state leader.
  • Obama singularly and unilaterally dictates the marketing budget of Chrysler, which apparently makes him not only the president of the United States, but also the president of a major auto company.  This has NEVER EVER been done before in our nation’s history, but apparently it is Obama’s desire to accomplish a lot of “first-time-events” as evidenced by his first four months as Chairman of the United States.
  • His very first interview as president was on Al Jazeera…another first for a head of state.
  • He has increased the budget by 40% in just three months as our nation’s president; then, just one month later explains how it is “unsustainable” for America to carry as much debt as we currently are.
  • After a tax day rally held throughout the country, Obama refers to these peaceful protestors as “tea baggers”, which is a sexual inuendo…a disgusting sexual inuendo.  Nearly ONE MILLION people peacefully protested the way our government is printing and spending and taxing and they did so without even getting a parking ticket!  On the other hand, when the LEFT protests, there is usually blood in the streets, windows broken, vandalism, and anarchy.  To refer to a group of peaceful protestors as sexual perverts not only completely misses the point, but also ranks his comments as a first.  Prior to the great Obamagasm of 2009, it would have been unthinkable to degrade a large portion of American citizens as he did.
  • Obama makes fun of retarded kids on Jay Leno’s Tonight Show.   I can only imagine the reaction of the media if Bush would have said this.
  • Obama suspends the trial and prosecution of indicted terrorists who bombed the U.S.S. Cole during the Clinton administration.  There’s no explanation for this.  Apparently, King Obama was under the impression that these murderers would not be able to receive a fair trial in the U.S. so he signs an executive order to suspend and terminate the legal proceedings.  What a slap in the face of the families who lost a loved one on the USS Cole.  Wow!
  • His first “executive order” as president is to close Gitmo; never mind that he has absolutely no idea where the Islamofascists will be placed…he just signs a piece of paper that closes the prison within a year.
  • Shortly after his “executive order”, he reneges on his plans of closing Gitmo and says that there’s no where else to place the prisoners.
  • After sending billions of dollars to Chrysler and General Motors and promising that these companies were “too big to fail”, they (both companies) end up going bankrupt anyways.  There is ZERO accountability for the BILLIONS of dollars sent to these companies and (to date) no one knows what happened to said funds.  I have a pretty good feeling that those funds went directly to the the legacy costs of the precious UAW.  This mere act should be enough to cause an uprising in the streets of America!  Yet, no one in the main stream media is covering this.  NO ONE!
  • He refuses to call our current war against terrorism as “the war on terror”.  He now insists that it be called “overseas contingency operations”.  I’m not making this stuff up.
  • He forces another (massive, massive, massive) spending bill down the throats of the American people with the dire warning that if this isn’t passed then economic collapse will certainly follow.
  • The apparent emergency spending bill only ends up spending 3% of the funds in the first year.  Wait a minute…I thought it was dire for us to spend our way out of this recession (which, apparently, is worse than the depression of the 30’s)?!
  • Obama fires the CEO of Chrysler and appoints a new one (first time EVER).
  • ACORN, which could end up receiving up to $2 billion (with a “B”) in stimulus money, is conspicuously ignored when it makes complete sense to investigate the organization due to obscene fraud charges (even current members of ACORN leadership are insisting upon investigation, but to no avail).  There’s something ridiculously fishy here!
  • Obama forces AIG employees to give back their bonuses, which were contractually obligated to them (another FIRST for a head of state to step in and void a private sector contract).
  • While Obama allows for the public castigation of AIG executives and their bonus monies, he quietly allows an obscene amount of bonuses to be paid to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae executives.  It’s no secret that at the heart of the 2008 – 2009 recession is Fannie and Freddie, but there has still been NO investigation and NO ONE has been indicted on any charges whatsoever.  Hmmm.
  • In the midst of intense economic pressure on the auto industry, Obama instills CAFÉ (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standards on all auto manufacturers, which adds an average of $1400 additional cost to each car made.  Yeah, that makes complete sense.
  • In the midst of a Chrysler bankruptcy, Obama intervenes and places secure debt holders (primary debt holders who were contractually guaranteed repayment from liquidation in the case of bankruptcy; it’s a common and widely accept LAW that has never been broken…until now) at the bottom of the totem pole, while placing unsecured debt holders and AUTO UNIONS at the top of the totem pole.  He even gives the UAW an equity stake in the new Chrysler (Fiat) Corporation as well as Canada and the U.S. government.  This, again, has NEVER been done before.  Bond holders were told to piss off, while UAW members were given benefits on a silver platter.  Absolutely unbelievable!
  • Obama approves the equity ownership of dozens of privately held banks across the nation, thus giving the U.S. government ownership of private equity firms.  Again, this has NEVER been done before.  The preferred shares, which the treasury bought, will soon be transferred into common shares in order to clear some debt from the books of the banks involved.  Basically, Obama just nationalized banks through a back door scheme.
  • For the first time in American history, a sitting president (Obama) allows prosecution proceedings to begin on executive order/legislative approved war tactics.  He also releases the names of individuals, which obviously jeopardizes their lives.  Later, after all the public relations damage has been done, he reneges on his grand idea and decides to withhold key information.  Question: who is on the other end of his BlackBerry (which is another FIRST for any president to have a private communications device)?
  • Obama forces states to accept stimulus funds even if their state legislatures don’t want anything to do with it.  If, by chance, an individual governor finally agrees to accept the funds, but decides to use said funds to pay down state debt then Obama will force it to be used for something else.  I guess we can forget about state sovereignty now.
  • In the midst of widespread economic slowdown, the federal government has added nearly 100,000 jobs with an average salary of over $100,000.  Seems like a wise way to spend cash.
  • Money supply has increased by 6000% since the beginning of Obama’s presidency.
  • China is no longer purchasing federal treasury bonds, which is the sole way America has been funding her social programs and addiction to pork spending.
  • Obama insists that smaller, more fuel efficient cars be built, but never acknowledges the loss of life that will certainly follow.  An estimated 50,000 additional deaths will take place (yearly) on our nation’s roads due to smaller vehicles.  This is a statistic that has been proven in years past and can be easily compared with historical statistics as U.S. cars began to get bigger and sturdier.  Apparently, life isn’t nearly as important as adhering to an unproven theory of Algoreism…err, Global Warming.
  • Joe Biden publicly discloses the location of the Vice Presidential secret bunker.
  • Nancy Pelosi publicly caught in a LARGE lie, decides to claim that the CIA lied to her and lies to the American people…even after three dozen of her left wing pals admit that she’s wrong.  Nothing is being done about this and no major media outlets are covering it responsibly.  Hell, no major media outlets are daring to challenge the radical ideas and implementations of King Obama.  They’re too busy having an Obamagasm.
  • After a lengthy campaign promise of NOT raising taxes on any American family earning more than $250k, he decides to go around that promise by increasing fees and penalties on EVERYTHING else, thus raising taxes on the lower and middle taxes.
  • In order to fund his SCHIP program, Obama instills a tax on cigarettes.  Obviously, a major tax on the lower class (and a very ironic idea to fund healthcare provisions with tobacco proceeds).
  • Nearly half of Obama’s cabinet members have significant tax problems.  Nothing is done about it.  The average American would be sent to prison or forced to pay obscene penalties. 
  • Barney Franks, Chris Dodd, Barbara Boxer, and Charlie Rangel have still NOT been investigated for their MAJOR infractions involving tax cheating, campaign fund illegalities, federal cover ups (Fannie/Freddie), etc…
  • The nation’s “elite” just spent eight years belittling president Bush about his “ignorance”, but nothing is said about Obama’s inability to speak publicly without the aide of his teleprompter.  He’s a bumbling douchebag when he doesn’t have his teleprompter.  Just look at the tape!  It’s obvious!
  • After eight years of bashing president Bush, the left wingers are now insisting upon the nation “coming together” and to quit engulfing themselves in petty name calling.  Wow.  If there were ever a definition of hypocrisy…right?
  • Obama wastes a quarter of a million dollars and scares millions of New Yorkers by allowing Air Force One to fly at low levels across the New York skyline…FOR A PHOTO OP!!!  Unbelievable!
  • Obama mentions in a speech that it is unsustainable for America to continue carrying as much debt as we currently are (thanks to Obama), but also says (in the same breath) that we need to overhaul our healthcare into a universal structure.  Yeah…and that’s going to be a pretty cheap piece of legislature, too.  Unbelievable.
  • The list of companies that have been bailed out continues to increase at an alarming rate.  Some of these companies apparently have NO choice in the matter of accepting bail out funds.
  • After railing on President Bush about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama signs a spending bill to continue the war efforts for another year (he signed this extension in May 2009).  Wow!
  • Obama’s Attorney General called the American people a bunch of cowards during a press conference.  The issue was regarding racism.  Right…after we elect a semi-black man to be president we now have a black A.G. calling all of us racist cowards.  Nice.
  • During a time of great ecological upheaval and riotous rhetoric concerning the validity of the science of said issue, Obama ushers in the idea of “cap and trade” carbon tax.  This isn’t as bad as some people may indicate because at least (finally) Obama is issuing in something that will function as a market (although there will be a tremendous amount of government involvement, which defeats the purpose, but what do you expect from a socialist/fascist administration?).  The black-eye of this entire situation is the fact that GE (General Electric) is the lobbying interest behind this cap and trade idea.  Jeffery Immelt (the CEO of General Electric, which is the parent company of several news media outlets…a HUGE conflict of interest to be involved with legislation and to control media coverage of said legislation…no wonder Americans aren’t nearly as pissed off as they ought to be) has been in Obama’s ear for the past five months pleading his case for cap and trade legislation because GE stands to make BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars through this legislative nightmare.  If this were Haliburton then people would be kicking and screaming louder than an audience during a Sean Penn movie!  Where are the corporate vigilantes?  Where are the masses of left wing protestors who just spent eight years pissing and moaning about a conspiracy between the Bush administration and “Big Oil”?  Again, this is the pinnacle of hypocrisy.
  • Obama allows his Secretary of Homeland Defense to classify returning war veterans as “high probable domestic terrorists”.  This is beyond ridiculous!  Obama also allows his “whiz girl” Sec. of Homeland Defense to classify individuals as “potential domestic terrorists” if they portray the Gadsden Flag on their private property (for those who don’t know what the Gadsden Flag is, it’s the yellow flag with a coiled rattle snake set above an historical quote “Don’t Tread On Me”, which dates back to the Revolutionary War).  Sheesh.
  • Barney Franks is literally sleeping with the guy who manages/runs/operates (the CEO) Fannie Mae during the time where Fannie Mae was growing out of control with Mortgage Backed Securities and issuing “give away” loans to individuals classified as “high risk” (all done out of the idea of political correctness, perceived fairness, and racism).  To date, there has been NO investigation into Barney Franks or his incredible conflict of interest!  Hell, he was literally having gay sex with the CEO of the company that serves as the epicenter of our economic meltdown!
  • Obama goes on record as saying that Palestine deserves a state at the expense of Israel and it’s clear that the protection of Israel is very low on his priority list.
  • In May of 2009, Obama discusses the idea of limiting executive pay for ALL industries regardless if they accepted TARP or Stimulus funds.
  • After promising Americans that he will put an end to lobbyists having access to administration officials, Obama hires several lobbyists to serve in cabinet level positions.
  • Nearly $900 Billion is earmarked in the much hyped “Stimulus Bill” as pure pork, which is another thing that Obama promised Americans he would put an end to.  Isn’t it odd that we were told how dire and critical it was to pass the Obama stimulus bill, but when it was finally passed we saw that a ridiculous amount of money was being spent on legislative “pet projects” that are completely unnecessary…not to mention that only 3% of said funds would even be spent in the first fiscal year.  I thought it was critical to get this bill passed?  Keep in mind that it was physically IMPOSSIBLE for ANY of our nation’s legislators to have actually read the bill before passing it.  Absolutely unbelievable!
  • Jeffery Immelt is currently serving as Obama’s director of the Economic Recovery Team.  Tom Daschle is currently serving GE as the director of their new “Healthymagination” initiative, which is the main thrust behind cap and trade legislature.  Can you say “collusion” or “conflict of interest”?  I thought liberals were against corporations having too much control?  Obama also extended $140 billion to GE Capital, Inc.  Hmmm!

I hope everyone is able to read the details of what’s presented in this list and consider the consequences that may follow down the road.  No one is thinking beyond the next election, but the simple sad truth is that we can’t wait until the next election to rise up and challenge the ridiculousness that is going on in Washington D.C.!  You can’t say I didn’t tell you so!  In just four months, Obama has managed to do more harm to our country than any president in the history of our great country.  The constitution literally hangs by a thread and is no longer regarded as our governing document, but rather as a list of recommendations or out of date ideas. 

Folks, the time to act is NOW!  Our leadership in D.C. is completely out of control and the consequences will be felt for decades if we don’t rise up and do something about it…NOW!

Thomas Jefferson once said: “If the people fear the government then that is tyranny; if the government fears the people then that is liberty”.  In your opinion…who fears who right now?  Are we engulfed in tyranny or liberty?

Don’t Tread On Me!!!

Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for
all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes,
it would go something like this: 

The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
The fifth would pay $1.
The sixth would pay $3.
The seventh would pay $7.
The eighth would pay $12.
The ninth would pay $18.
The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.

So, that’s what they decided to do.

The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the
arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. “Since you are
all such good customers,” he said, “I’m going to reduce the cost of your
daily beer by $20.”  Drinks for the ten now cost just $80.

The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes
so the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free.
But what about the other six men – the paying customers? How could they
divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his ‘fair share?’

They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that
from everybody’s share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end
up being paid to drink his beer. So, the bar owner suggested that it would
be fair to reduce each man’s bill by roughly the same amount, and he
proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.

And so…

– The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).
– The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33%savings).
– The seventh now pay $5 instead of $7 (28%savings).
– The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).
– The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings).
– The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings).

Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four
continued to drink for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men
began to compare their savings.

“I only got a dollar out of the $20,” declared the sixth man. He
pointed to the tenth man,” but he got $10!”

“Yeah, that’s right,” exclaimed the fifth man. “I only saved a
dollar, too. It’s unfair that he got ten times more than I!”

“That’s true!!” shouted the seventh man. “Why should he get $10
back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!”

“Wait a minute,” yelled the first four men in unison. “We didn’t
get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!”

So…the nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.

The next night the tenth man didn’t show up for drinks, so the nine
sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the
bill, they discovered something important. They didn’t have enough money
between all of them for even half of the bill!

And that, boys and girls, journalists and college professors, is
how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the
most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for
being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might
start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.





For those who understand, no explanation is needed. For those who
do not understand, no explanation is possible.

According to most political pundits and talking-heads across the country, presidential hopeful Mitt Romney has been gathering momentum (also known as, “moMITTum” to Mitt-heads across the nation), exposure, and support at a rate much higher than Hillary’s frequency of Botox injections!  In fact, Mitt Romney has been earning national respect from voters quicker than Bill Clinton can think of excuses not to sleep in the same room as his wife!  In the past three GOP debates, Governor Romney has blown-up the field by showing off his witt, charisma, knowledge, and public speaking skills.  It has been evident since the beginning that Gov. Romney has continuously kept himself one step ahead of his competitors with invigorating ideas, well thought-out comments, and pithy (but remarkably substantive) rebuttles to statements made by his competitors and/or ridiculous questions asked by the moderators.  However, it’s not like John McCain and Ron Paul have really made it difficult for him, either!


For the third straight time, Mitt Romney has “won” the debate by focusing on the fundamentals of his presidental campaign platform: The Strength of American FAMILIES, the Strength of the ECONOMY, and the Strength of the MILITARY.  Basically, it’s a full-frontal assault focusing on “STRENGTH” instead of weakness…which (unfortunately) is the shameful approach of the [other] presidential nominees running out of the political party symbolically represented by a jackass.  No kidding.  With all of the vitriol spewing from the Demoncratic Party’s foaming mouths regarding anything America (Bush) has done in an effort to fight and combat radical Islam, the Left has conveniently (yet again) avoided producing alternate solutions to this growing issue.  Heh…it’s almost as if the Demoncratic Party wants to campaign on a “platform of change“, but fool the American people by never actually submitting ideas for change!!!  [I GUESS NO ONE CAN BLAME THEM SINCE IT SEEMED TO WORK RATHER WELL IN NOVEMBER OF 2006]  It has been a pleasant surprise, however, to see a major presidential nominee focus so intently on the current status of the American family companioned by his sincere intent to strengthen the family unit here in the U.S.A., which is one of the more astute and original platforms to build upon as a politician.  The American family unit has been under attack for the better part of three decades and the deterioration of this family unit has been the fundamental reason for our decaying society.  If anyone can help strengthen the central aspect of the overall strength of our country (the family unit) then that person is without a doubt the former Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachussetts, Mitt Romney.  It simply doesn’t get any better than him.  Period.


Time after time, Gov. Romney has professionally deflected the ridiculous questions about his faith by combining them with his personal (but not necessarily religious) beliefs about social morals, integrity, family strength, and honesty.  The “main-scream” media is not about to ease up on their bombastic and shameful attacks on Mitt Romney, but there is a silver-lining to this strategy of trying to weaken Romney through his religous affiliation.  If anyone can turn a negative into a positive it is Governor Romney and he’s proven this ability countless times in his professional career, political career, and in the case of the 2002 Winter Olympics.  Now he is doing the same thing with the attempts to label him as a wreckless religious icon by fielding each and every question with his head held high and enveloping the question with sincere-driven comments of his personal values and comittments, which are second-to-none.  There hasn’t been a presidential hopeful with more courage, more private-sector success, more moral character, or more integrity than Governor Mitt Romney.  There just simply hasn’t been anyone and I defy the person who says there has!  He’s been married only once; has never fathered a child out of wed-lock; does not drink alcohol, use drugs, or use tobacco; he has TWO degrees from Harvard; has never been involved with personal, professional, or political scandal; he’s a self-made millionaire through businesses that he personally got off the ground; has never been in trouble with the law; he’s rescued several “blue-chip” Fortune 500 companies from disaster and turned them into household names (can anyone say, “Staples”???  How about “Dominos Pizza”???); and has never impugned his integrity in order to get something of value.  He attends church services regularly and garners his life by the teachings of Jesus Christ, whom he has proclaimed as his one and only personal Lord and Savior.  The actual name of the church he attends is: The Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  Personally, I can’t think of one single Christian denomination (besides the “Church of Christ“, or “Community of Christ“) that has the literal name of “Jesus Christ” in it besides the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!  I’m not inferring anything by that comment except for the fact that the mere name of his church reflects that they are very much oriented towards worshiping, understanding, and believing in Jesus Christ…the first fundamental aspect of “Christianity“.  If the media and his opponents want to label him as “non-Christian” then they obviously haven’t a clue as to what they’re talking about because I feel that there has NEVER been more of a Christ-like person running for the office of Commander in Chief than Mitt Romney…and no, I’m not forgetting that Pat Robertson, Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson (what a JOKE) have recently made attempts to become POTUS (President of the United States)!  In fact, I bet there are more people in America whom refuse to call Al Sharpton, Pat Robertson, and Jesse Jackson by their self-proclaimed titles of “Reverend” than there are whom truly do support their titular rankings in Christianity!  Now, THAT would be an interesting national poll, wouldn’t you think?


America would benefit mightily by the leadership and moral character of Mitt Romney and Mormons across the world can easily say that Mitt Romney would NEVER use his religion or religious beliefs to mitigate, arbitrate, or force his agenda through the system.  In fact, not even his own church (The Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-Day Saints) has publicly endorsed him because THAT’S NOT WHAT THE MORMON CHURCH GETS INVOLVED WITH!  The LDS church has always been apolitical in everything they have done; and they’ve never actively (or financially) promoted, supported, or fought against any political party or individual politician!  You will NEVER hear a Mormon Bishop (equivilant to a pastor or preacher in other Christian churches) stand up in front of the congregation and submit his ideas for or against a politician/political party.  You may hear some Mormons get rather vociferous about certain social issues and laws, but they will never use their church to endorse a politician.  It just simply doesn’t happen, nor will it ever!  While other churches use their influence to nudge their paritioners or congegation to “vote a certain way” or to “support a certain politician”, the Mormon church will never be a part of such practice.  So, with all of this evidence supporting the idea that Mitt Romney will be the Commander in Chief, first…father, second…Mormon, third…why is there so much angst, vitriol, and fear that having a Mormon president will be detrimental to the country as a whole?  Do they not realize that most Mormons are usually the highest regarded moral examples of their respective communities and neighborhoods?  Do they not realize that Mormons are usually the most actively participating members of Christianity 365 days a year?  Not alwaysbut usually!  Of course, there are always some bad apples from every apple tree, but as a whole I think it is safe to say that the Mormon community is rather solid in their character, morals, and actions…[and NO, the Mormon church does NOT practice polygamy (a widely held opinion of many)].  Gee-whiz, wouldn’t it be nice to finally have someone as president who exhibits such a high moral code?  With the world apparently crashing down in overall morality and integrity, I think it is high time that the country set-apart as the world leader put a man in the Oval Office with such a pristine, unshakable character towards the greater good of humanity.  I think it’s about time that America put a man in office who will use the Oval Office desk as a tool to write law, veto ridiculous spending, balance the budget, manage wars, and protect the American family…instead of using it as a “stripper’s pole at a cheap late night brothel”!


I stand committed to the support of Mitt Romney for our nation’s next Commander in Chief because I feel very strongly that Gov. Romney possesses every important skill/ability that we not only expect out of a president, but desperately need.  I feel strongly that I can tell anyone that, if elected, Mitt Romney will not get involved with the personal scandals that have flooded the scene of our past leaders.  He will clean up Washington D.C. and put an end to pork-barrell spending that has crippled our nation’s financial situation.  He will lower taxes and make living in this great country much easier as well as enjoyable.  He will strengthen our military across the board.  He will restructure our beurocratic entitlement and social systems into a much more refined and successful program.  He will work towards the goal of making sure that EVERY American has sufficient health-care provisions.  He will highlight and focus on education for our children; turning this issue into success instead of rhetoric.  He will fight to keep American jobs on American soil.  He will work vigorously on strengthening the family unit and making America a more convenient place for the establishment of family values.  He will protect traditional marriage as being between a man and a woman.  He will fight to restore sovereignty to the states and give them more opportunities to reflect the values of those living in their respective states; such as abortion and taxes…after all, why else do we even have 50 states if they’re not sovereign?  He will never give up on the current war on terror, which threatens the security of the world.  He will institute a broad foreign policy that will put America back on the pedestal as the leading nation of nations (based on a theory that he believes in, which is that “politics end at our nation’s shore-lines”).  Why do I claim that he will do these things?  Simple.  He’s done them in the past already!  Everything he sought out to accomplish as Governor in one of the most liberal states in the country he has accomplished, thus leaving the state in pristine condition upon his exit after only four years!  [IT SHOULD ALSO BE NOTED THAT HE ACCOMPLISHED EVERYTHING IN THE COMMONWEALTH WITHOUT RAISING TAXES…EVER!]  He’s a man of his word and puts a high priority on honesty and integrity; what he says he’ll do is exactly what he will do and there is NO evidence to the contrary.  He could be the best thing to happen to the U.S.A. since the World War II era.  It’s almost as if he’s too good to be true!

THOUGHT:  The attractive things about Mitt Romney have been his professional successes, political successes, 2002 Winter Olympic success, family success, intellectual successes, communicating abilities, leadership qualities, and character.  He personally exhibits all of these strengths with every step he takes and the national media (the outfits who actually support viable candidates from the GOP) is quick to realize this and bring it to the front and center.  However, a good question to ask (or at least think about) is whether or not Mitt Romney would be the same man today (with ALL of his current successes, strengths, and accomplisments) if he were not a member of the Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-Day Saints???  Would it be fair to say that Mitt Romney is the man who he is today because he is a Mormon?  What if he were a Catholic?  A Baptist?  Agnostic?  An Athiest?  Would he still have the same values, skills, and experience?  Better yet, if he did still have the same values and skills then would he still be a glimmering example by his life’s actions and decisions?  I’m not going to comment on this, but rather pose this thought in a codified manner and leave it at that.  It’s an interesting thought to process in your mind and may help some of you get passed the idea of his relationship with the Mormon church as being something negative instead of something positive.


“‘…talk makes no sense when you’re not getting anything done. We need someone who understands that it’s the results we’re after. And we need a president who understands that the strength of America is not in Washington, D.C. – it’s in our people, it’s in our churches, it’s in our businesses. It’s in thousands of volunteer associations all across this country that make our country better every day, and if our government could just get out of the way, America all by itself would just become greater and greater.'”

People, not government, are the source of America’s strength.  There is no place that is more important to the future strength of America than the American home.”

What is the culture of this country, what are our underpinnings? We respect hard work … We are self reliant, we respect human life, we are a religious people… We are a purpose-driven people founded on the family unit. I think every child deserves to have a mother and a father.”

America cannot continue to lead the family of nations around the world if we suffer the collapse of the family here at home.”

American values are at the heart of America’s historic rise to world leadership. These include, among others, respect for hard work, sacrifice, civility, love of family, respect for life, education and love of freedom. To remain a superpower in the world we must continuously and vigorously reaffirm these key components that have led to America’s greatness as a country.”


I am pro-life. I believe that abortion is the wrong choice except in cases of incest, rape, and to save the life of the mother. I wish the people of America agreed, and that the laws of our nation could reflect that view. But while the nation remains so divided over abortion, I believe that the states, through the democratic process, should determine their own abortion laws and not have them dictated by judicial mandate.”

Americans For Fair Taxation - About the FairTax


 Is there enough motivation in your soul to make a difference in something that you feel is an important issue?  I wonder if many of us would sit back and allow the rocks of life to pummel us without reaction or if we’d stand up against them and find a way to improve the situation?  My best guess is that most of us would do what we could to rectify any situation we were at all uncomfortable with.  I believe this because of what the fabric of America is made of…hard work, relentless efforts, visions of betterment, and the classic American characteristics…innovation and achievement!  We have a long history of standing up to oppressors, fixing what is broken, and making our lives better and more efficient.  From expansionism to the pioneers; from slavery to the equal rights movement; from the Great Depression to the economic boom of the 1990’s, we have always been a nation where common sense prevailed and elbow grease garnered all of our efforts.  With such a rich and envious heritage tied to the lineage of nearly every American family today it is surprising to me that we have allowed ourselves to once again become oppressed by usurpers of power who have made it their career to look out for themselves and line their pockets by conducting “back room deals” far away from the American public and their constituency.  The career politicians we have grown accustomed to have been hitting us where it hurts since the 1940’s, yet rarely is there a voice raised in concern amongst us.  Rarely is there a vociferous moment conducted by the masses that illustrates our frustrations to those whom absolute power has corrupted absolutely.


Since the days of Franklin Delanno Roosevelt, we have been told what entitlements we will fund, what laws we will abide by, what bureaucracy we will have to deal with, and what amount of taxes we will have to pay.  In the society that we have allowed to be created right under our noses is dependent upon federal tax revenues, but never have we been asked just how much of our hard-earned monies we would be willing to submit for the better of the country.  Everything in our society is tied to taxes.  Everything includes the embarrassing and failed social security and medicare funds, which are multi-trillion dollar ideas built upon the backs of the American tax payer without his consent.  I wonder how much more responsible our career criminal politicians would be with our money if entitlement programs and tax rates were put to referendum?  It’s a great question, but sadly it’s a question that will have to remain rhetorical.  I doubt very highly that the fat cats we have put in
Washington D.C. would ever relinquish an ounce of power that they didn’t absolutely have to.  We have created this current financial mess out sheer laziness conducted by the average American because we have allowed ourselves to be so easily marketed to due to our reluctance to vote in mass numbers.  Roughly one-third of Americans over the age of 18 vote on a regular basis, which is embarrassing to think of the men and women who gave their lives in order for all of us to have the opportunity to vote in a free and democratic republic.  It is precisely because of this lack of interest that the American citizen is showing that we have become oppressed by the very government we have ignored.  Since the days of FDR’s “Great Society”, the American worker has been burdened with taxes on a federal, state, and local level never before seen in our land.

During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln endorsed and implemented a roughly 2% income tax in order to fund the war effort.  I don’t believe there are too many Americans who can argue against such a measure because of what was at stake.  Americans have always been willing to open their hearts and wallets in order to help a cause, but what Abraham Lincoln did after the war was over is what made him the type of man who will go down in history as one of our nation’s best leaders of all time.  After the war was completed and after reconstruction efforts were in place, President Lincoln repealed the tax and allowed Americans to contribute on a personal and private basis if they so desired.  This, my fellow American citizen, is exactly what our founding father’s had in mind when they bled for the document currently enshrined in weather-proof glass at the National Archives Building in Washington D.C., the Constitution of the United States of America.  Aside from seeking religious freedoms, it was the oppressive government and laws of England that they were fleeing when the idea of “ America” became a reality.  It was the tax burdens that England forced upon the early colonies that was the straw that broke the camel’s back and sent us over the edge.  It was this issue that our founding father’s made sure was a vital part of the governing document they created in Philadelphia back in 1776.  So why have we turned a full 180 degrees from what was supposed to be to what we are being forced to deal with today?  What happened along the way that allowed the federal government to reach into our pockets and legally withhold a specified percentage of our wages?  How did we as a people so carelessly allow for this to happen when we’re supposed to be the nation who stands up to oppressors and rights that which has been wronged?  How on earth have we allowed an entire political party of modern times to build a platform around how much one group of society is taxed compared to how much another group is taxed?  When and why have we allowed our politicians to build a pulpit to preach their gospel from when everything that they are preaching is contrary to our best interests and the best interests of the Constitution?  Is it not clearly written in that God-inspired document that government oppression by any and all means is strictly forbidden and that states should be (and are expected to be) able to govern themselves?

Many can trace the roots of failed entitlements and the beginnings of taxation oppression back to FDR and his “Great Society” legislation.  It was no accident that his “Great Society” legislations were passed as constitutionally acceptable by the Supreme Court.  Few people actually know that FDR threatened to load the Supreme Court with two additional justices that would tip the balance in favor of his great socialistic ideals.  Due to this pressure from the executive branch, the Supreme Court caved in and granted constitutionality to FDR’s ideas.  From this blunder in American history we have been strapped with the social security and medicare fund, which currently are as close to bankruptcy as MC Hammer was after he wrote “2 Legit 2 Quit”!  Trillions and trillions of dollars have been taken out of the social security and medicare fund in order to pay for politician’s pork that have served no purpose other than to lift the ego of one or two individuals.  The idea of social security and medicare isn’t too bad because it helps Americans get by during times of uncertainty and/or grief (survivor’s benefits), but the fallacy of the “Great Society” is that no American was or has been able to choose for himself whether or not he wanted to take place in this attempt of American socialism.  It was either “pay the social security tax” or “go to jail”.  Simple as that.  What’s American about that?  Today, the “Great Society” has turned us into a fiscal nightmare and all of the money that today’s generation is pouring into these mandatory social funds will not be there for them.  With these massive problems starring us directly in the face there has still been NO solution posited by any of the career politicians we have sent to represent us in our nation’s capital…until today!  The Fair Tax Act (S.25/H.25) is exactly the type of legislation that we need to pass into law if we are to find a way out of the mess that FDR and his grandious visions of socialism have created.  Instead of taxing our businesses into oblivion, forcing our uber-rich citizens to place their wealth in foreign off-shore banks, enabling a massive shadow economy to exist right under our noses, or adding compliance costs of today’s tax code into consideration, the Fair Tax would alleviate these issues, give the money back to the wage earner, and FIX the fiscal problems we currently find ourselves in.  What is the Fair Tax Act, you ask?  Allow me to outline it as best I can!  [go to for additional information…] (more…)

Frequently Asked Questions about the FairTax

Click on the questions below to view the answers.
View/Download FAQ in a Printer Friendly Format (PDF)

  1. What is taxed?
  2. Exactly what taxes are abolished?
  3. How does the rebate work?
  4. Why not just exempt food and medicine from the tax? Wouldn’t that be fair and simple?
  5. Is the 23% FairTax higher or lower when compared to the income taxes people pay today?
  6. Does the FairTax rate need to be much higher to be revenue neutral?
  7. How is the Social Security system affected?
  8. How does the FairTax affect Social Security reform?
  9. Is consumption a reliable source of revenue?
  10. How is the tax collected?
  11. Why is the FairTax better than our current system?
  12. Is the FairTax fair?
  13. How does the FairTax protect low-income families and individuals and retirees on fixed incomes?
  14. Is it fair for rich people to get the exact same FairTax rebate from the federal government as the poorest person in America?
  15. What about senior citizens and retired people?
  16. Are seniors taxed twice on savings, once when they saved it, and now again when the spend it?
  17. How does the FairTax affect wages and prices?
  18. Why not just exempt necessities from the FairTax instead of providing for a rebate?
  19. Should the government tax services?
  20. How does the FairTax affect income tax preparers, accountants, and many government employees?
  21. What about the home mortgage deduction?
  22. What will happen to charitable giving?
  23. Will corporations get a windfall with the abolition of the corporate tax?
  24. Does the FairTax burden the retail industry?
  25. How are state tax systems affected, and can states adequately collect a federal sales tax?
  26. How will the plan affect economic growth?
  27. What economic changes come at the retail level with the FairTax?
  28. What happens to interest rates?
  29. What happens to the stock market, mutual funds, and retirement funds?
  30. What happens to tax-free bonds?
  31. How does this affect U.S. competitiveness in foreign trade?
  32. What about border issues?
  33. Does the FairTax improve compliance and reduce evasion when compared to the current income tax?
  34. Can the FairTax really be passed into law?
  35. What other significant economies use such a tax plan?
  36. What about the flat tax? Would it be better and easier to pass?
  37. Can Congress just simply raise the rate once the FairTax is passed into law?
  38. Could we end up with both the FairTax and an income tax?
  39. Is the FairTax just another conservative tax scheme? Or just another liberal tax scheme?
  40. What assumptions have been made about government spending?
  41. How does the FairTax affect government spending?
  42. Why is it necessary to have a constitutional amendment?
  43. How does the income tax affect our economy?
  44. How will this plan affect compliance costs?
  45. What about value-added taxes (VATs), like they have in Europe and Canada? Are they not consumption taxes?
  46. What will we experience in the transition from the income tax to the FairTax?
  47. I know the FairTax rate is 23 percent when compared to current income taxes. What will the rate of the sales tax be at the retail counter?
  48. Since business purchases are not taxable, how does the FairTax keep individuals from pretending to have a business so they can buy things tax free?
  49. Is the FairTax progressive? Do the rich pay more and the poor pay less as a percentage of their spending?
  50. Is there any provision in the FairTax bill to prevent both an income tax and a sales tax?

FEDERALIST PAPERS – Federalist No. 21

Other Defects of the Present Confederation [For the Independent Journal.]

Author: Alexander Hamilton

To the People of the State of New York:

HAVING in the three last numbers taken a summary review of the principal

circumstances and events which have depicted the genius and fate of other confederate

governments, I shall now proceed in the enumeration of the most important of those

defects which have hitherto disappointed our hopes from the system established among

ourselves. To form a safe and satisfactory judgment of the proper remedy, it is absolutely

necessary that we should be well acquainted with the extent and malignity of the disease.

The next most palpable defect of the subsisting Confederation, is the total want of a

SANCTION to its laws. The United States, as now composed, have no powers to exact

obedience, or punish disobedience to their resolutions, either by pecuniary mulcts, by a

suspension or divestiture of privileges, or by any other constitutional mode. There is no

express delegation of authority to them to use force against delinquent members; and if

such a right should be ascribed to the federal head, as resulting from the nature of the

social compact between the States, it must be by inference and construction, in the face of

that part of the second article, by which it is declared, “that each State shall retain every

power, jurisdiction, and right, not EXPRESSLY delegated to the United States in

Congress assembled.” There is, doubtless, a striking absurdity in supposing that a right of

this kind does not exist, but we are reduced to the dilemma either of embracing that

supposition, preposterous as it may seem, or of contravening or explaining away a

provision, which has been of late a repeated theme of the eulogies of those who oppose

the new Constitution; and the want of which, in that plan, has been the subject of much

plausible animadversion, and severe criticism. If we are unwilling to impair the force of

this applauded provision, we shall be obliged to conclude, that the United States afford

the extraordinary spectacle of a government destitute even of the shadow of constitutional

power to enforce the execution of its own laws. It will appear, from the specimens which

have been cited, that the American Confederacy, in this particular, stands discriminated

from every other institution of a similar kind, and exhibits a new and unexampled

phenomenon in the political world. (more…)