Recently, there was a debate held between the presidential hopefuls of the Demoncratic Party, which was broadcasted on YouTube.  It’s uncertain how effective this was among demographics and actual voters, but the concept is pretty genuine and original, which I like and wholeheartedly support.

One thing of note, however, is the nature of the event that the DNC put on.  While they certainly took every advantage to bash America’s stance on terrorism and the current war against fanatical Islam, it was very interesting to take note of WHO the liberal POTUS hopefuls verbally abused the most!  One would think, of course, that they would go after President Bush, Vice-President Dick Cheney, or even Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson…right?  Nope.  If that’s what you thought then you’re way off base because the person they focused their vitriol on was none other than Mitt Romney, former governor of the Commonwealth of Massachussetts!  That’s right…Mitt Romney!  In fact, I don’t think they even mentioned Giuliani, McCain, or Thompson throughout the debate! 

In fact, it has been a rather common occurance for the DNC to take cheap shots at Governor Romney.  To date, he has been the most singled-out, most attacked, and most harrassed among all of the GOP candidates…but for what purpose?  What reason?  Doesn’t it make sense to attack the person you fear the most?  Why else would they spend so much time focusing on Mitt Romney instead of the other candidates?

I submit that the reason is simple.  Mitt Romney is the only true conservative running for POTUS with the only real shot at winning the nomination.  If they can succeed at weakening him now then they’ll have less work to do after the nominations have been set.  While it’s a pretty done-deal that Hillary will win the nomination for the Left (if not as President then she’ll most certainly be on the ticket with Barack Hussein Obama…yeah, for real, that is his real name, by the way…), it’s still uncertain who will come out on top in the GOP.  With the amount of attacks geared towards Romney in relation to the rest of the GOP nominees, it’s pretty clear who the Left feels is their primary threat.

Romney supporters are taking this in stride because we’ve felt all along that Governor Romney is the real-deal with a true talent of connecting with people and leading America.  The fact that the Left is viciously attacking him and his ideals is only evidence that they also see what we (as Romney supporters) have seen all along.

Romney holds a commanding lead in New Hampshire and Iowa right now.  Should Romney win those states convincingly then the momentum that he could generate from that could be all he needs to take the GOP nomination.  He’s everything that anyone with a modicum of political intellect (or a shred of love towards America, her culture, and freedoms) could possibly want in a candidate.  In fact, some have gone as far as calling him “golden“.

For now, all I can say is that if the Left is so intent on focusing on Romney then they must have some fear towards him in the long run.  I think they would rather run against ANY of the other candidates than run against Romney.  There hasn’t been a person with as many skills as Romney run for President in a long, long, long time.  In fact, the last person was probably that little-known movie star from California…Ronald Reagan!

Here’s a breakdown of the attacks on the GOP candidates stemming from the Demoncratic Party:

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