Had I known that the major prerequisite for Iowans considering whom to vote for (president of the United States) was to simply be a pastor, preacher, or evengelical freakazoid then I would have become ordained through an on-line surrogate and ran for office myself!  The mere fact that Governor Huckabee is using the predisposed bigotry of evengelical Christians is shameful enough for me to consider voting for myself as a write-in candidate or for the Independent or Libertarian candidate if he is eventually chosen as the GOP nominee! 

“I’d like to ask that same person who voted for Huckabee if they would have still voted for him if he were a Mormon.  I’m guessing that the answer to that question would incredibly easy to figure out…thus proving my assumption of religious manipulation and bigotry.”  – Nostromos, 2008

Did any of the Iowan pinheads consider Huckabee’s past record as a moderate conservative…at best?  Did any of them even care to realize how lenient he has been on giving away tax dollars to illegal immigrants?  I’m not proposing myself as an expert in all political matters, but it seems to me that by giving tuition assistance to illegal immigrants while making blue collar Americans pay for theirs is not only ridiculous, but downright offensive in the highest degree!  I’m also not too sure about how responsible it is to give illegal immigrants access to driving licenses especially since the advent of globalized terrorism aimed squarely at our front door!

Another thing that has rarely been discussed and is doubtful that the masses of home-schooled evengelical bigots even considered before casting their vote for the Huckster is the enormous black-eye Mike Huckabee cast upon himself as a man and his administration as a leader is the disgusting reality that he pardoned hundreds of convicts during his time as Governor of the state of Arkansas.  One of the people he personally sought after to pardon (by personally administering massive amounts of pressure to the parole board) was a convicted rapist and murderer.  After he pardoned him, the sick S.O.B. headed west to Kansas City and murdered a newly wed couple.  Two people who had just took the plunge to begin their lives together anew were snuffed out of existence simply because of the wreckless act of Gov. Huckabee.  This is inexcuseable for any leader we trust to protect us.  It is more than inexcuseable.  It is disgusting and highly aggrivating…but I guess the “Christian” voters of the great state of Iowa didn’t care about that.  How many convicts did Romney pardon after his governorship?  The answer: NONE!  Now, that speaks volumes about the type of man Romney is especially when compared to the type of man Huckabee is. (more…)