John McCain certainly shook things up today with his surprising choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate for the 2008 election.  While most people were expecting a strong and sensible choice (such as Mitt Romney), John McCain proved once again that he just doesn’t care what the rest of America (and more importantly, the rest of his party) thinks or wants.  His decision shows us exactly what this man does best, which is play the political game.

During the primaries, John McCain proved to all of us how far he is willing to go in order to win his party’s nomination.  By insulting Mitt Romney with a plethora of unprofessional and immoral tactics and teaming up with Mike Huckabee during individual state primaries (in order to beat Mitt Romney), McCain proved that he is willing to do and say just about anything in order to win in politics.  He rivals the Machiavellian style of Bill and Hillary Clinton, but without all of the baggage and scandals.  Now, after he has all but secured the nomination for the republican party, John McCain choose to win the election rather than put America first.  He had every opportunity to grab Mitt Romney as his running mate and to use his economic and leadership genius to keep America strong, successful, and full of hope for the future.  Instead, he decided to use a gimmick and select a “woman” running mate in order to appease the disgruntled Hillary supporters who claim to feel left out by Obama’s decision not to vet Hillary Clinton as his running mate.

Yes, there is no mistake with this one…this is a total and absolute gimmick designed to give patronage to “Reagan democrats” rather than extend an olive branch to his party’s core constituency.  A gimmick that rivals nothing else ever attempted in political history due to the recent developments between Obama and Clinton.  A gimmick designed to trick feminists, moderate democrats, and Hillary supporters into crossing party lines and voting for him in November rather than cast a vote for Obama.  This is something that isn’t terribly surprising considering the source.  McCain has labeled himself via a smooth marketing campaign as the “Maverick” who drives the “Straight Talk Express”.  If anyone in the history of politics has outperformed McCain in self-marketing and tricky political maneuverings then that person is yet to be identified.  It could be argued that the Clintons have created and written the book on modern-day political Machiavellianism, but John McCain has perfected it by relying on his background as a P.O.W. during the Vietnam War.  Who would dare criticize McCain’s intentions as anything other than pure and sensible?  Who besides his democratic opponents, of course?!

Romney is the absolute most accomplished and tenured candidate to run for president since the days of Eisenhower (who was running as president due to his popularity as a tremendously successful military commander).  Everything Mitt Romney has touched has turned into gold, yet Americans (and more specifically, Mike Huckabee and his army of religious bigots) chose to hang their hats on the media-created fear of Mormonism as their reasoning not to vote for him.  While the state of Massachussetts was able to look past it and enjoy four years of the most successful state politics in history (for MA), the rest of America was too easily swayed by Huckabee’s crowd of home-schooled religious bigots as they smeared Romney and made him appear as something or someone to question and fear rather than to support and endorse.  There has never been a scandal in the life of Mitt Romney nor will there ever be.  Failure has never been a part of Romney’s resume, which is something that is quite impressive considering the venues he has thrown himself into (see: Winter Olympics, Salt Lake City as a perfect example of throwing himself into a complete mess and turning the situation into a raving unparalleled success).  I defy anyone to name another person more qualified, complete, talented, or perfect to run for president than Mitt Romney!

So, with the “Golden Boy” sitting in the bleachers just waiting for McCain to grab, he is once again ignored via a vast effort of political expediency by John McCain.  A political party that has never enshrouded itself into identity politics, class warfare, gender politics, or racial politics, seems to be heading down that road.  There’s not much good that can come from this and the only proof needed is to look at the modern-day democratic party.  They have carved out an identity of their entire party that is enveloped by individualism, class, religion, race, and pseudo-collectivism.  They have endorsed the handbook of Karl Marx (The Communist Manifesto) as their guide and the results have been catastrophic.  With congress enjoying approval ratings in the single digits (yes, that’s right…SINGLE DIGITS…) do we really need any more proof that the leaders of the democratic party are all in it for themselves?  Case in point: the thirteen wealthiest congressmen (or congresswomen) are ALL democrats!  That’s right…not one single republican pushes through the top thirteen in accumulative wealth!  This seems odd especially when one considers the mantra of the Left: we are our brother’s keeper.  The perfect example of their selfish political meanderings is the recent decision to go on vacation without creating a new energy policy.  It seems that Nancy Pelosi was more concerned with selling 5,000 copies of her book than she was with helping the country resolve their failed energy policies of the past.  By the way, when someone sells 5,000 copies of their book it is NOT something to brag about.  In fact, it would be very safe to say that such a showing indicates a complete failure.  I couldn’t be happier about her failures as a woman, a writer, or as the Speaker of the House.  Everyone on the Right warned the country of what would happen if Pelosi were given the keys to the Capital Building…and no one listened.  Since the democrats took over in 2006 (campaigning on a platform of “change” just like Obama is), the economy has been crushed, inflation has increased at record levels, the US currency has been slapped around like a little orphan girl, and unemployment has inched above the 5% threshold for the first time in years!  Yes, that is definitely “change”.  It’s a change from good to bad…so it looks like no one can claim that the democrats weren’t being honest when they ran on a platform (marketing campaign) of “change”! (more…)