
Had I known that the major prerequisite for Iowans considering whom to vote for (president of the United States) was to simply be a pastor, preacher, or evengelical freakazoid then I would have become ordained through an on-line surrogate and ran for office myself!  The mere fact that Governor Huckabee is using the predisposed bigotry of evengelical Christians is shameful enough for me to consider voting for myself as a write-in candidate or for the Independent or Libertarian candidate if he is eventually chosen as the GOP nominee! 

“I’d like to ask that same person who voted for Huckabee if they would have still voted for him if he were a Mormon.  I’m guessing that the answer to that question would incredibly easy to figure out…thus proving my assumption of religious manipulation and bigotry.”  – Nostromos, 2008

Did any of the Iowan pinheads consider Huckabee’s past record as a moderate conservative…at best?  Did any of them even care to realize how lenient he has been on giving away tax dollars to illegal immigrants?  I’m not proposing myself as an expert in all political matters, but it seems to me that by giving tuition assistance to illegal immigrants while making blue collar Americans pay for theirs is not only ridiculous, but downright offensive in the highest degree!  I’m also not too sure about how responsible it is to give illegal immigrants access to driving licenses especially since the advent of globalized terrorism aimed squarely at our front door!

Another thing that has rarely been discussed and is doubtful that the masses of home-schooled evengelical bigots even considered before casting their vote for the Huckster is the enormous black-eye Mike Huckabee cast upon himself as a man and his administration as a leader is the disgusting reality that he pardoned hundreds of convicts during his time as Governor of the state of Arkansas.  One of the people he personally sought after to pardon (by personally administering massive amounts of pressure to the parole board) was a convicted rapist and murderer.  After he pardoned him, the sick S.O.B. headed west to Kansas City and murdered a newly wed couple.  Two people who had just took the plunge to begin their lives together anew were snuffed out of existence simply because of the wreckless act of Gov. Huckabee.  This is inexcuseable for any leader we trust to protect us.  It is more than inexcuseable.  It is disgusting and highly aggrivating…but I guess the “Christian” voters of the great state of Iowa didn’t care about that.  How many convicts did Romney pardon after his governorship?  The answer: NONE!  Now, that speaks volumes about the type of man Romney is especially when compared to the type of man Huckabee is. (more…)

According to most political pundits and talking-heads across the country, presidential hopeful Mitt Romney has been gathering momentum (also known as, “moMITTum” to Mitt-heads across the nation), exposure, and support at a rate much higher than Hillary’s frequency of Botox injections!  In fact, Mitt Romney has been earning national respect from voters quicker than Bill Clinton can think of excuses not to sleep in the same room as his wife!  In the past three GOP debates, Governor Romney has blown-up the field by showing off his witt, charisma, knowledge, and public speaking skills.  It has been evident since the beginning that Gov. Romney has continuously kept himself one step ahead of his competitors with invigorating ideas, well thought-out comments, and pithy (but remarkably substantive) rebuttles to statements made by his competitors and/or ridiculous questions asked by the moderators.  However, it’s not like John McCain and Ron Paul have really made it difficult for him, either!


For the third straight time, Mitt Romney has “won” the debate by focusing on the fundamentals of his presidental campaign platform: The Strength of American FAMILIES, the Strength of the ECONOMY, and the Strength of the MILITARY.  Basically, it’s a full-frontal assault focusing on “STRENGTH” instead of weakness…which (unfortunately) is the shameful approach of the [other] presidential nominees running out of the political party symbolically represented by a jackass.  No kidding.  With all of the vitriol spewing from the Demoncratic Party’s foaming mouths regarding anything America (Bush) has done in an effort to fight and combat radical Islam, the Left has conveniently (yet again) avoided producing alternate solutions to this growing issue.  Heh…it’s almost as if the Demoncratic Party wants to campaign on a “platform of change“, but fool the American people by never actually submitting ideas for change!!!  [I GUESS NO ONE CAN BLAME THEM SINCE IT SEEMED TO WORK RATHER WELL IN NOVEMBER OF 2006]  It has been a pleasant surprise, however, to see a major presidential nominee focus so intently on the current status of the American family companioned by his sincere intent to strengthen the family unit here in the U.S.A., which is one of the more astute and original platforms to build upon as a politician.  The American family unit has been under attack for the better part of three decades and the deterioration of this family unit has been the fundamental reason for our decaying society.  If anyone can help strengthen the central aspect of the overall strength of our country (the family unit) then that person is without a doubt the former Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachussetts, Mitt Romney.  It simply doesn’t get any better than him.  Period.


Time after time, Gov. Romney has professionally deflected the ridiculous questions about his faith by combining them with his personal (but not necessarily religious) beliefs about social morals, integrity, family strength, and honesty.  The “main-scream” media is not about to ease up on their bombastic and shameful attacks on Mitt Romney, but there is a silver-lining to this strategy of trying to weaken Romney through his religous affiliation.  If anyone can turn a negative into a positive it is Governor Romney and he’s proven this ability countless times in his professional career, political career, and in the case of the 2002 Winter Olympics.  Now he is doing the same thing with the attempts to label him as a wreckless religious icon by fielding each and every question with his head held high and enveloping the question with sincere-driven comments of his personal values and comittments, which are second-to-none.  There hasn’t been a presidential hopeful with more courage, more private-sector success, more moral character, or more integrity than Governor Mitt Romney.  There just simply hasn’t been anyone and I defy the person who says there has!  He’s been married only once; has never fathered a child out of wed-lock; does not drink alcohol, use drugs, or use tobacco; he has TWO degrees from Harvard; has never been involved with personal, professional, or political scandal; he’s a self-made millionaire through businesses that he personally got off the ground; has never been in trouble with the law; he’s rescued several “blue-chip” Fortune 500 companies from disaster and turned them into household names (can anyone say, “Staples”???  How about “Dominos Pizza”???); and has never impugned his integrity in order to get something of value.  He attends church services regularly and garners his life by the teachings of Jesus Christ, whom he has proclaimed as his one and only personal Lord and Savior.  The actual name of the church he attends is: The Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  Personally, I can’t think of one single Christian denomination (besides the “Church of Christ“, or “Community of Christ“) that has the literal name of “Jesus Christ” in it besides the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!  I’m not inferring anything by that comment except for the fact that the mere name of his church reflects that they are very much oriented towards worshiping, understanding, and believing in Jesus Christ…the first fundamental aspect of “Christianity“.  If the media and his opponents want to label him as “non-Christian” then they obviously haven’t a clue as to what they’re talking about because I feel that there has NEVER been more of a Christ-like person running for the office of Commander in Chief than Mitt Romney…and no, I’m not forgetting that Pat Robertson, Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson (what a JOKE) have recently made attempts to become POTUS (President of the United States)!  In fact, I bet there are more people in America whom refuse to call Al Sharpton, Pat Robertson, and Jesse Jackson by their self-proclaimed titles of “Reverend” than there are whom truly do support their titular rankings in Christianity!  Now, THAT would be an interesting national poll, wouldn’t you think?


America would benefit mightily by the leadership and moral character of Mitt Romney and Mormons across the world can easily say that Mitt Romney would NEVER use his religion or religious beliefs to mitigate, arbitrate, or force his agenda through the system.  In fact, not even his own church (The Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-Day Saints) has publicly endorsed him because THAT’S NOT WHAT THE MORMON CHURCH GETS INVOLVED WITH!  The LDS church has always been apolitical in everything they have done; and they’ve never actively (or financially) promoted, supported, or fought against any political party or individual politician!  You will NEVER hear a Mormon Bishop (equivilant to a pastor or preacher in other Christian churches) stand up in front of the congregation and submit his ideas for or against a politician/political party.  You may hear some Mormons get rather vociferous about certain social issues and laws, but they will never use their church to endorse a politician.  It just simply doesn’t happen, nor will it ever!  While other churches use their influence to nudge their paritioners or congegation to “vote a certain way” or to “support a certain politician”, the Mormon church will never be a part of such practice.  So, with all of this evidence supporting the idea that Mitt Romney will be the Commander in Chief, first…father, second…Mormon, third…why is there so much angst, vitriol, and fear that having a Mormon president will be detrimental to the country as a whole?  Do they not realize that most Mormons are usually the highest regarded moral examples of their respective communities and neighborhoods?  Do they not realize that Mormons are usually the most actively participating members of Christianity 365 days a year?  Not alwaysbut usually!  Of course, there are always some bad apples from every apple tree, but as a whole I think it is safe to say that the Mormon community is rather solid in their character, morals, and actions…[and NO, the Mormon church does NOT practice polygamy (a widely held opinion of many)].  Gee-whiz, wouldn’t it be nice to finally have someone as president who exhibits such a high moral code?  With the world apparently crashing down in overall morality and integrity, I think it is high time that the country set-apart as the world leader put a man in the Oval Office with such a pristine, unshakable character towards the greater good of humanity.  I think it’s about time that America put a man in office who will use the Oval Office desk as a tool to write law, veto ridiculous spending, balance the budget, manage wars, and protect the American family…instead of using it as a “stripper’s pole at a cheap late night brothel”!


I stand committed to the support of Mitt Romney for our nation’s next Commander in Chief because I feel very strongly that Gov. Romney possesses every important skill/ability that we not only expect out of a president, but desperately need.  I feel strongly that I can tell anyone that, if elected, Mitt Romney will not get involved with the personal scandals that have flooded the scene of our past leaders.  He will clean up Washington D.C. and put an end to pork-barrell spending that has crippled our nation’s financial situation.  He will lower taxes and make living in this great country much easier as well as enjoyable.  He will strengthen our military across the board.  He will restructure our beurocratic entitlement and social systems into a much more refined and successful program.  He will work towards the goal of making sure that EVERY American has sufficient health-care provisions.  He will highlight and focus on education for our children; turning this issue into success instead of rhetoric.  He will fight to keep American jobs on American soil.  He will work vigorously on strengthening the family unit and making America a more convenient place for the establishment of family values.  He will protect traditional marriage as being between a man and a woman.  He will fight to restore sovereignty to the states and give them more opportunities to reflect the values of those living in their respective states; such as abortion and taxes…after all, why else do we even have 50 states if they’re not sovereign?  He will never give up on the current war on terror, which threatens the security of the world.  He will institute a broad foreign policy that will put America back on the pedestal as the leading nation of nations (based on a theory that he believes in, which is that “politics end at our nation’s shore-lines”).  Why do I claim that he will do these things?  Simple.  He’s done them in the past already!  Everything he sought out to accomplish as Governor in one of the most liberal states in the country he has accomplished, thus leaving the state in pristine condition upon his exit after only four years!  [IT SHOULD ALSO BE NOTED THAT HE ACCOMPLISHED EVERYTHING IN THE COMMONWEALTH WITHOUT RAISING TAXES…EVER!]  He’s a man of his word and puts a high priority on honesty and integrity; what he says he’ll do is exactly what he will do and there is NO evidence to the contrary.  He could be the best thing to happen to the U.S.A. since the World War II era.  It’s almost as if he’s too good to be true!

THOUGHT:  The attractive things about Mitt Romney have been his professional successes, political successes, 2002 Winter Olympic success, family success, intellectual successes, communicating abilities, leadership qualities, and character.  He personally exhibits all of these strengths with every step he takes and the national media (the outfits who actually support viable candidates from the GOP) is quick to realize this and bring it to the front and center.  However, a good question to ask (or at least think about) is whether or not Mitt Romney would be the same man today (with ALL of his current successes, strengths, and accomplisments) if he were not a member of the Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-Day Saints???  Would it be fair to say that Mitt Romney is the man who he is today because he is a Mormon?  What if he were a Catholic?  A Baptist?  Agnostic?  An Athiest?  Would he still have the same values, skills, and experience?  Better yet, if he did still have the same values and skills then would he still be a glimmering example by his life’s actions and decisions?  I’m not going to comment on this, but rather pose this thought in a codified manner and leave it at that.  It’s an interesting thought to process in your mind and may help some of you get passed the idea of his relationship with the Mormon church as being something negative instead of something positive.


“‘…talk makes no sense when you’re not getting anything done. We need someone who understands that it’s the results we’re after. And we need a president who understands that the strength of America is not in Washington, D.C. – it’s in our people, it’s in our churches, it’s in our businesses. It’s in thousands of volunteer associations all across this country that make our country better every day, and if our government could just get out of the way, America all by itself would just become greater and greater.'”

People, not government, are the source of America’s strength.  There is no place that is more important to the future strength of America than the American home.”

What is the culture of this country, what are our underpinnings? We respect hard work … We are self reliant, we respect human life, we are a religious people… We are a purpose-driven people founded on the family unit. I think every child deserves to have a mother and a father.”

America cannot continue to lead the family of nations around the world if we suffer the collapse of the family here at home.”

American values are at the heart of America’s historic rise to world leadership. These include, among others, respect for hard work, sacrifice, civility, love of family, respect for life, education and love of freedom. To remain a superpower in the world we must continuously and vigorously reaffirm these key components that have led to America’s greatness as a country.”


I am pro-life. I believe that abortion is the wrong choice except in cases of incest, rape, and to save the life of the mother. I wish the people of America agreed, and that the laws of our nation could reflect that view. But while the nation remains so divided over abortion, I believe that the states, through the democratic process, should determine their own abortion laws and not have them dictated by judicial mandate.”

Get With Team Mitt


At Regent University, Governor Romney Speaks About The Importance Of Family:

Governor Romney: “If there ever was a time for great Americans, great and good Americans, Americans who are willing to cross into the deep waters of life, it is now. You cross into the deep waters of life by marrying and raising good children. There is no work more important to America’s future than the work that is done within the four walls of the American home….” (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA, 5/5/07)

Watch Governor Romney’s Full Remarks

Governor Romney Will Apply Free-Market Principles To Health Care:

Governor Romney: “And this is a country that can get all of our people insured with not a government takeover, without Hillary-Care, without socialized medicine. Instead, get the market to do its job, let people have health care that they can afford, get the market to do its job, let people have the opportunity to choose policies in the private sector.” (MSNBC, Republican Presidential Candidate Debate, Simi Valley, CA, 5/3/07)

Watch Governor Romney’s Full Remarks

Governor Romney Will Make Savings Tax Free For Middle-Income Americans:

Governor Romney: “I’d like middle-income Americans to be able to save their money and not have to pay any tax at all on interest, dividends or capital gains.” (MSNBC, Republican Presidential Candidate Debate, Simi Valley, CA, 5/3/07)

Watch Governor Romney’s Full Remarks

Governor Romney Believes We Must Defeat The Jihadist Threat:

Governor Romney: “Of course we get Osama bin Laden and track him wherever he has to go and make sure he pays for the outrage he exacted on America. … We’ll move everything to get him. But I don’t want to buy into the Democratic pitch, that this is all about one person, Osama bin Laden. Because after we get him, there’s going to be another and another. … This is a global effort we’re going to have to lead to overcome this jihadist effort. It’s more than Osama bin Laden. But he is going to pay, and he will die.” (MSNBC, Republican Presidential Candidate Debate, Simi Valley, CA, 5/3/07)

Watch Governor Romney’s Full Remarks (more…)

Zogby: Romney Rockets!

Latest New Hampshire telephone poll shows Romney’s support nearly doubles to 25% to tie McCain; Giuliani trails at 19%

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has rocketed to the top of the field of contenders for the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary crown, running dead even with Arizona Sen. John McCain at 25% each, a new Zogby International telephone poll shows. With Romney’s ascension, the GOP presidential race looks just like the Democratic contest – a three–way battle!While McCain has held mostly steady at the top of the Republican field in New Hampshire, losing just one point since January, Romney has made the big move up from 13% two months ago. Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York who is the toast of Republican primary voters nationally, finds himself in third place in the Granite State at 19% support, falling slightly from 20% in January to 19% this week.

Fred Thompson, the actor and former senator from Tennessee won 6% support in this latest survey of 502 likely New Hampshire Republican primary voters, which was conducted April 2-3, 2007, and contains a margin of error of +/- 4.5 percentage points.

Pollster John Zogby: “Score this as a big week for Mitt Romney. These poll numbers, together with the small increase in Iowa and a huge fund–raising effort, puts him into the top tier and makes him a major player in the race for the GOP nomination. John McCain’s support stays steady and makes him a contender and gives him a boost in an otherwise lackluster week. Move over, Rudy. You’ve got a real race on your hands!” (more…)

 Mitt Romney for President…FOR REAL!!!  If you don’t know him by now then you soon will because this former Governor of Massachussetts is really beginning to build up a ton of momentum in the national polls.  There’s still a ton of work to do and a ton of people to convince, but if you get to know him then you will undoubtedly come to the conclusion that there is no alternative.  He’s the only person with ideas that can be considered original and “non-systematic” of Washington D.C. and he’s the only man in the entire field (left or right) who has the moral compass necessary to lead us as leaders rightly should!  Mitt Romney will be POTUS and will go down as one of the best American Presidents in our nation’s history…but only if YOU allow him to be by voting for him!

  A lot of people have made an issue about Mitt Romney’s religious background as being his sole weakness, but I contend that issue to the fullest.  His religious background should be looked at as an absolute strength because it is his core religious belief that the American family is the most important factor in the society that we live in and it is the American family that is under attack.  Without a strong family unit there can be no collective strength for America as a whole.  It is his religious belief that all men were created equal…exactly as the Constitution states.  You will never be able to say that Mitt Romney made a decision because his religion dictated it and you will never see his religion enter the arena of politics because they simply do not do that.  Unlike other religions who endorse candidates during the middle of their Sunday sermons, his religion is completely apolitical regardless of religious affiliation.  If that isn’t refreshing then I don’t know what is!  Mitt Romney is considered to be the “King Midas” of the business world and every business he has gotten his hands on have benefited immensely from his decision making abilities and leadership.  This is EXACTLY what we need in Washington D.C. and if the media were to allow the people to view Governor Romney as an individual instead of a religious icon then he would certainly be leading the GOP field of potential nominees by high double-digits!  Romney recently made an address at Regent University where he calmly and collectedly spoke about someone other than himself, which is something one could expect from any other political nominee.  Here is an excerpt from his speech, which is being talked about around the country as his “Deep Waters” speech: 

‘Over the years, I have watched a number of people live out their lives in shallow water. In the shallows, life is all about yourself – your job, your money, your rights, your needs, your ideas, your comforts. In the deeper waters, life is about others – spouse, family, friends, faith, community, country. In the deep waters, there are challenging ideas, opposing opinions, protracted battles of consequence. You are, of course, giving a great deal of thought to your career. The economic environment may be more turbulent and competitive than my generation has known. Some of you will be tempted to stay near shore, where there are no big breakers and where you will never make any waves. Others will push beyond the sandbar, pursuing new frontiers, exploring new ideas, driving to achieve, to learn, to influence, to contribute. If there ever was a time for great Americans, great and good Americans, Americans who are willing to cross into the deep waters of life, it is now. You cross into the deep waters by marrying and raising good children. There is no work more important to America’s future that the work that is done within the four walls of the American home. You cross into the deep waters by driving yourself in your education and in your avocation beyond the safe and comfortable, to reach new insights, to make contributions, to serve. You cross into the deep waters by serving in your church, in your community, in the military, in government or in volunteer service. I am optimistic about the future of America because I have seen the spirit and heart of the American people.’  (more…)