Olbermann Sucks

Last weekend, selected movie theaters across the county began showing the movie, “Atlas Shrugged”.  For those not in the know, the movie is based on the MASTERPIECE written by Ayn Rand, which has been one of the highest selling fiction books of all-time!  She (Ayn Rand) wrote this book in the 1950’s and interjected a lot of her philosophy of man as well as her sentiments/beliefs on the true nature of capitalism.  Unfortunately, this happens to be a topic that is frowned upon these days.  Huge movements of aimless masses currently march in protest at various state capitals throughout the country.  Why?  Well, it basically boils down to the fact that these angry mobs of zero-liability voters are turned inside-out over the idea that they just might have to actually contribute to their own retirement and/or pension plans IF they happen to be a state worker.  In their eyes, they DESERVE the free money, high job stability, several weeks of paid vacation, excellent health/fringe benefits, and insane pension payouts!  In their eyes, they DESERVE these things MORE THAN YOU because they think that state employees (people who work for the government) are in a class of their own.  They have obviously forgotten the fact that as a public sector employee they already share a dramatically increased level of job security.  Compared to the millions of unemployed private sector employees these people are very, very lucky.  It is a crying shame that they have taken this simple fact for granted.  It’s a shame that being gainfully employed just isn’t enough for some people.  They want more!  They want more and they want YOU to pay for it.

The concepts that create the central theme in “Atlas Shrugged” are pretty simple.  Each man (man = generic pronoun for man or woman) has the ability…no, the opportunity to carve out his own destiny.  That each man has the power within himself to be as successful as he wants to be.  That a man’s property belongs solely to him and NOT to the government…or anyone/anything else…period!  Like I said, the idea behind Ayn Rand’s masterpiece is pretty simple and happens to coincide with the traditional ideas that created the “American Dream”.  It’s an obvious overstatement that every single solitary soul living in America today WILL be as successful as he or she wants to be.  Circumstance and opportunity can sometimes skip over a person or two.  We call that “bad luck“…but with that being said, the idea is sound and set upon solid foundation!  In America, we are free to reap the benefits of our hard work!  We are free to exploit our good fortune if we so desire!  In America, we are essentially free to simply be!  Well, we’re supposed to be, anyways.  My, how things have significantly changed in our country over the past 100 years especially when you measure against what the “idea” of America is supposed to…when you measure it against the “American Dream”.

Would you consider it to be tyrannical if a leader of a country gets whatever he/she wants?  During the time of the Kings, the simple philosophy was “what the King wants the King gets“.  If anyone stood in his way then God have mercy on his soul!  I think it’s safe to say that we can agree such a tactic is tyrannical.  Plain and simple.  Now, instead of the example of a King…think of the American government.  Would it be a fair statement…an accurate statement…if I said “what the government wants the government gets“?  Can you think of an instance where this wouldn’t be true here in the U.S.?  We still have eminent domain issues, class warfare (generated by politics), and a lopsided progressive tax policy which punishes one’s success!  Think of the mountains of obstacles standing in your way if you simply want to start your own small business!  Hell, there’s actually a pretty good chance that you won’t be ALLOWED to engage in business activities let alone actually start your own company if you don’t jump through every hoop the government puts in front of you!  I think it would be safe to say that if you sat down and thought about it then you wouldn’t be able to think of very many things IN YOUR OWN LIFE that the government doesn’t have their fingers in.  Is this right?  Is this what the Americans of the 1700’s had in mind when they violently fought for the right to be left alone?  Oh…I would love to sit down and have a conversation, right now, with George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and the likes!  I would love to hear what they would have to say about the state of our union.

Atlas Shrugged is a masterpiece because it reminds us of the simplicity that is the “American way”.  There is a dark side of the book that requires the reader to reason with, too.  The darkness of the book is based on the fact that major industrialists, capitalists, businessmen, and individuals simply give up.  There is no confrontation even remotely similar to the Boston Tea Party in the book.  There is no violent uprising and there certainly aren’t any rallies or protests found in any state capital or public square!  Instead, the heroes of the book initially surrender and give up.  At first, this makes the reader wonder what the heck is going on.  It makes the reader reason with what he/she knows is right compared to what Ayn Rand is writing about.  It makes the reader, perhaps, even deal with a bit of depression!  The major industrialists and entrepreneurs of America are under assault by the federal government by way of legislation that makes it illegal to make “too much profit” (The Equalization of Opportunity Act) or for one person/company to own more than one business (the Anti Dog-Eat-Dog Rule).  The government eventually singles out the entire state of Colorado because (in the book) there is a surplus of success, opportunity, and profits coming from that state.  The way they, the government, sees it is IF they can simply bring the industrialists down…bring the entire state of Colorado down…then the rest of America won’t feel so bad because now everyone will be equal.  The reaction of the industrialists to these tyrannical acts of legislation is to throw their hands up…surrender…quit…and just go away.  They leave eveything behind.  They simply vanish.

Like I said, at first, the reader has to contend with the notion that the heroes of the story are giving up rather than standing up and fighting the good fight.  As the reader progresses through the story, however, he/she becomes aware of the strategy behind their acts of surrender…and it’s genius!

Imagine, just for a second, that the founders/CEO’s of companies like MicroSoft, Apple, Haliburton, Wal-Mart, and Exon-Mobil closed their doors, burned their stores to the ground, fired everyone, and then vanished into thin air.  What would the plausible scenario be IF something like this were to happen?  We all complain about companies like these from time to time…we belly-ache about how big they are or how much money they make…don’t we?  Well, what if they all closed shop tomorrow?  Would the general economic impact be positive or negative?  I don’t think it takes an economist to understand the likely scenario (aftershock) in this hyperbolic situation.

We need to remember WHY these companies are as big and successful as they are!  It’s not because of luck, but rather because of hard work, excellent leadership, and a capitalistic mindset guiding them towards the goal of higher profits and better products.  Why do we want to punish this?  Why have we allowed the government to live so far outside of its means that it feels the only thing left to do is to pile on and punish the successful portion of our society/economy?  This is one of the reasons why “Atlas Shrugged” is one of the most widely published books (fiction) of all time!  It’s because the story in the book speaks to us!  We see these things actually going on around us…right now!  The government is growing more and more tyrannical and the masses are growing more and more dependent.  This, my friends, is NOT right.  This is NOT how it’s supposed to be!  WE ALL KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE!  Yet, we continue to allow things to get worse.  We allow the government to get away with things that make us sick to our stomach because the government has done a successful job making you feel as if there’s really nothing you can do about it.  We have collectively grown into a complacent society that is way too dependent upon “The Man”.  Throughout history, this has never been a successful scenario for the people of such a nation.  NEVER!

Ayn Rand is an unapologetic capitalist and many of the characters in her book, Atlas Shrugged, reflect such a sentiment.  To some, this may feel…or sound…like a bad thing.  It may simply be a mindset (overtly capitalistic) that rubs the wrong way.  These are all “feelings”, however.  Feelings are personal and don’t affect anyone other than you.  Capitalism, in its untarnished and unfettered form, is superior to all other forms of governance or policy.  The reason this is true is because of what capitalism does…at its core!  It makes the individual stronger!  It makes the individual the leader of his/her own life and because of that the individual is a strong entity.  Capitalism focuses on the individual, BUT when individuals become strong they become a strong collective society.  Capitalism tries to nudge…to push…to propel people upward and onward; it tries to bring people up!  The antithesis of capitalism (which is a planned society or some form of socialism) strives to bring people DOWN so they’re all the same.  It’s easier to bring people down into equality compared to bringing them up.  It takes hard work to really allow capitalism to establish roots in a society.  It’s much easier to give power to an elected group of bureacrats in order to make decisions for us.  The easy way is usually NOT the right way.

The American Left (democrats, socialists, progressives, communists, etc…) does NOT want you to read “Atlas Shrugged”.  The American Left does NOT want you to see the movie, either!  Why?  Because they don’t want you to remember!  They don’t want you to be influenced by things that ring true at your core!  Because they don’t want to give up control.  They don’t want to work hard and they certainly don’t want to leave things up to you…the individual.  They don’t want you to see this movie so badly that they made it damn near impossible for the movie to be made!  There are no big-name producers attached to this film; there are no big-name actors involved with the movie; there wasn’t a lot of capital available for the film to be made!  The producers of this movie had a shoestring budget (as far as movies go and compared to the norm) and zero support from Hollywood, yet they still made the movie!  In fact, they did a pretty damn good job, too. 

As a person who sees a lot of movies (really, I see A LOT of movies), I feel like my eye for acknowledging good or bad film making is pretty darn accurate.  I can easily spot when a movie was poorly put together or, on the other hand, masterfully created.  I’m not going as far to say that the movie Atlas Shrugged was masterfully put together, but I am willing to say that it was very well made.  It was actually much better than I thought after I learned that the movie didn’t even have a budget of $10 million!  I can easily say that I was pleasantly surprised with nearly every facet of the film.  Sure, there were things that I think could have been done better and there were parts of the book that I wished they would have implemented better into the movie…but all in all, it was a really good film.  It’s not an action movie so don’t expect to be riddled with excitement and shifting plots or dramatic climax moments. 

I wish they would have spent more time on the dialogue in the movie and made it more like the narrative of the book.  I wish they would have implemented more of Rand’s philosophy into the conversations between characters.  Like I said, however, there are things I would have done differently, but I can’t complain.  I’m very proud of the production team who put the movie together and I truly hope that the movie turns a profit so they’ll feel compelled to make parts 2 and 3.  I hope freedom-loving Americans will get off of their couches and go see this movie in order to support the film maker, but also to send a message that this genre has an interested market.

Who is John Galt?

Obama has certainly issued a lot of change in just four months so no one can say that he was lying on the campaign trail when he said that he’d work hard to “change things”.  No one knew, however, that his plan for “change” included a massive overhaul of the American capitalistic economy into a socialist/fascist state!  Well, some of us knew, but no one listened.  Folks, we absolutely WILL pay the price for what we have allowed to take place in 2009.  Americans are not nearly as pissed off as they ought to be and Obama, Inc. is getting away with things that have NEVER been done in our nation’s history. 

Off the top of my head, I have created a list of Obama accomplishments that often go under the radar due to the massive “Obamagasm” that is taking place by our nation’s media.  No one is reporting objectively anymore and it’s serving as a major weakness for our country.  Obama has (and will) opened the flood gates and our nation will never be the same again.  I absolutely feel confident saying that the United States will no longer be considered a “super power” within ten years.  The U.S. dollar will no longer be used as a “world currency” and our debt will consume us into a second-tier nation that our children’s children will be forced to deal with.

Without further delay, I present to you the list of Obamagasm accomplishments (in just four months):

  • He bows to the King of Saudi Arabia, which is something that has NEVER before been done by a state leader.
  • Obama singularly and unilaterally dictates the marketing budget of Chrysler, which apparently makes him not only the president of the United States, but also the president of a major auto company.  This has NEVER EVER been done before in our nation’s history, but apparently it is Obama’s desire to accomplish a lot of “first-time-events” as evidenced by his first four months as Chairman of the United States.
  • His very first interview as president was on Al Jazeera…another first for a head of state.
  • He has increased the budget by 40% in just three months as our nation’s president; then, just one month later explains how it is “unsustainable” for America to carry as much debt as we currently are.
  • After a tax day rally held throughout the country, Obama refers to these peaceful protestors as “tea baggers”, which is a sexual inuendo…a disgusting sexual inuendo.  Nearly ONE MILLION people peacefully protested the way our government is printing and spending and taxing and they did so without even getting a parking ticket!  On the other hand, when the LEFT protests, there is usually blood in the streets, windows broken, vandalism, and anarchy.  To refer to a group of peaceful protestors as sexual perverts not only completely misses the point, but also ranks his comments as a first.  Prior to the great Obamagasm of 2009, it would have been unthinkable to degrade a large portion of American citizens as he did.
  • Obama makes fun of retarded kids on Jay Leno’s Tonight Show.   I can only imagine the reaction of the media if Bush would have said this.
  • Obama suspends the trial and prosecution of indicted terrorists who bombed the U.S.S. Cole during the Clinton administration.  There’s no explanation for this.  Apparently, King Obama was under the impression that these murderers would not be able to receive a fair trial in the U.S. so he signs an executive order to suspend and terminate the legal proceedings.  What a slap in the face of the families who lost a loved one on the USS Cole.  Wow!
  • His first “executive order” as president is to close Gitmo; never mind that he has absolutely no idea where the Islamofascists will be placed…he just signs a piece of paper that closes the prison within a year.
  • Shortly after his “executive order”, he reneges on his plans of closing Gitmo and says that there’s no where else to place the prisoners.
  • After sending billions of dollars to Chrysler and General Motors and promising that these companies were “too big to fail”, they (both companies) end up going bankrupt anyways.  There is ZERO accountability for the BILLIONS of dollars sent to these companies and (to date) no one knows what happened to said funds.  I have a pretty good feeling that those funds went directly to the the legacy costs of the precious UAW.  This mere act should be enough to cause an uprising in the streets of America!  Yet, no one in the main stream media is covering this.  NO ONE!
  • He refuses to call our current war against terrorism as “the war on terror”.  He now insists that it be called “overseas contingency operations”.  I’m not making this stuff up.
  • He forces another (massive, massive, massive) spending bill down the throats of the American people with the dire warning that if this isn’t passed then economic collapse will certainly follow.
  • The apparent emergency spending bill only ends up spending 3% of the funds in the first year.  Wait a minute…I thought it was dire for us to spend our way out of this recession (which, apparently, is worse than the depression of the 30’s)?!
  • Obama fires the CEO of Chrysler and appoints a new one (first time EVER).
  • ACORN, which could end up receiving up to $2 billion (with a “B”) in stimulus money, is conspicuously ignored when it makes complete sense to investigate the organization due to obscene fraud charges (even current members of ACORN leadership are insisting upon investigation, but to no avail).  There’s something ridiculously fishy here!
  • Obama forces AIG employees to give back their bonuses, which were contractually obligated to them (another FIRST for a head of state to step in and void a private sector contract).
  • While Obama allows for the public castigation of AIG executives and their bonus monies, he quietly allows an obscene amount of bonuses to be paid to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae executives.  It’s no secret that at the heart of the 2008 – 2009 recession is Fannie and Freddie, but there has still been NO investigation and NO ONE has been indicted on any charges whatsoever.  Hmmm.
  • In the midst of intense economic pressure on the auto industry, Obama instills CAFÉ (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standards on all auto manufacturers, which adds an average of $1400 additional cost to each car made.  Yeah, that makes complete sense.
  • In the midst of a Chrysler bankruptcy, Obama intervenes and places secure debt holders (primary debt holders who were contractually guaranteed repayment from liquidation in the case of bankruptcy; it’s a common and widely accept LAW that has never been broken…until now) at the bottom of the totem pole, while placing unsecured debt holders and AUTO UNIONS at the top of the totem pole.  He even gives the UAW an equity stake in the new Chrysler (Fiat) Corporation as well as Canada and the U.S. government.  This, again, has NEVER been done before.  Bond holders were told to piss off, while UAW members were given benefits on a silver platter.  Absolutely unbelievable!
  • Obama approves the equity ownership of dozens of privately held banks across the nation, thus giving the U.S. government ownership of private equity firms.  Again, this has NEVER been done before.  The preferred shares, which the treasury bought, will soon be transferred into common shares in order to clear some debt from the books of the banks involved.  Basically, Obama just nationalized banks through a back door scheme.
  • For the first time in American history, a sitting president (Obama) allows prosecution proceedings to begin on executive order/legislative approved war tactics.  He also releases the names of individuals, which obviously jeopardizes their lives.  Later, after all the public relations damage has been done, he reneges on his grand idea and decides to withhold key information.  Question: who is on the other end of his BlackBerry (which is another FIRST for any president to have a private communications device)?
  • Obama forces states to accept stimulus funds even if their state legislatures don’t want anything to do with it.  If, by chance, an individual governor finally agrees to accept the funds, but decides to use said funds to pay down state debt then Obama will force it to be used for something else.  I guess we can forget about state sovereignty now.
  • In the midst of widespread economic slowdown, the federal government has added nearly 100,000 jobs with an average salary of over $100,000.  Seems like a wise way to spend cash.
  • Money supply has increased by 6000% since the beginning of Obama’s presidency.
  • China is no longer purchasing federal treasury bonds, which is the sole way America has been funding her social programs and addiction to pork spending.
  • Obama insists that smaller, more fuel efficient cars be built, but never acknowledges the loss of life that will certainly follow.  An estimated 50,000 additional deaths will take place (yearly) on our nation’s roads due to smaller vehicles.  This is a statistic that has been proven in years past and can be easily compared with historical statistics as U.S. cars began to get bigger and sturdier.  Apparently, life isn’t nearly as important as adhering to an unproven theory of Algoreism…err, Global Warming.
  • Joe Biden publicly discloses the location of the Vice Presidential secret bunker.
  • Nancy Pelosi publicly caught in a LARGE lie, decides to claim that the CIA lied to her and lies to the American people…even after three dozen of her left wing pals admit that she’s wrong.  Nothing is being done about this and no major media outlets are covering it responsibly.  Hell, no major media outlets are daring to challenge the radical ideas and implementations of King Obama.  They’re too busy having an Obamagasm.
  • After a lengthy campaign promise of NOT raising taxes on any American family earning more than $250k, he decides to go around that promise by increasing fees and penalties on EVERYTHING else, thus raising taxes on the lower and middle taxes.
  • In order to fund his SCHIP program, Obama instills a tax on cigarettes.  Obviously, a major tax on the lower class (and a very ironic idea to fund healthcare provisions with tobacco proceeds).
  • Nearly half of Obama’s cabinet members have significant tax problems.  Nothing is done about it.  The average American would be sent to prison or forced to pay obscene penalties. 
  • Barney Franks, Chris Dodd, Barbara Boxer, and Charlie Rangel have still NOT been investigated for their MAJOR infractions involving tax cheating, campaign fund illegalities, federal cover ups (Fannie/Freddie), etc…
  • The nation’s “elite” just spent eight years belittling president Bush about his “ignorance”, but nothing is said about Obama’s inability to speak publicly without the aide of his teleprompter.  He’s a bumbling douchebag when he doesn’t have his teleprompter.  Just look at the tape!  It’s obvious!
  • After eight years of bashing president Bush, the left wingers are now insisting upon the nation “coming together” and to quit engulfing themselves in petty name calling.  Wow.  If there were ever a definition of hypocrisy…right?
  • Obama wastes a quarter of a million dollars and scares millions of New Yorkers by allowing Air Force One to fly at low levels across the New York skyline…FOR A PHOTO OP!!!  Unbelievable!
  • Obama mentions in a speech that it is unsustainable for America to continue carrying as much debt as we currently are (thanks to Obama), but also says (in the same breath) that we need to overhaul our healthcare into a universal structure.  Yeah…and that’s going to be a pretty cheap piece of legislature, too.  Unbelievable.
  • The list of companies that have been bailed out continues to increase at an alarming rate.  Some of these companies apparently have NO choice in the matter of accepting bail out funds.
  • After railing on President Bush about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama signs a spending bill to continue the war efforts for another year (he signed this extension in May 2009).  Wow!
  • Obama’s Attorney General called the American people a bunch of cowards during a press conference.  The issue was regarding racism.  Right…after we elect a semi-black man to be president we now have a black A.G. calling all of us racist cowards.  Nice.
  • During a time of great ecological upheaval and riotous rhetoric concerning the validity of the science of said issue, Obama ushers in the idea of “cap and trade” carbon tax.  This isn’t as bad as some people may indicate because at least (finally) Obama is issuing in something that will function as a market (although there will be a tremendous amount of government involvement, which defeats the purpose, but what do you expect from a socialist/fascist administration?).  The black-eye of this entire situation is the fact that GE (General Electric) is the lobbying interest behind this cap and trade idea.  Jeffery Immelt (the CEO of General Electric, which is the parent company of several news media outlets…a HUGE conflict of interest to be involved with legislation and to control media coverage of said legislation…no wonder Americans aren’t nearly as pissed off as they ought to be) has been in Obama’s ear for the past five months pleading his case for cap and trade legislation because GE stands to make BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars through this legislative nightmare.  If this were Haliburton then people would be kicking and screaming louder than an audience during a Sean Penn movie!  Where are the corporate vigilantes?  Where are the masses of left wing protestors who just spent eight years pissing and moaning about a conspiracy between the Bush administration and “Big Oil”?  Again, this is the pinnacle of hypocrisy.
  • Obama allows his Secretary of Homeland Defense to classify returning war veterans as “high probable domestic terrorists”.  This is beyond ridiculous!  Obama also allows his “whiz girl” Sec. of Homeland Defense to classify individuals as “potential domestic terrorists” if they portray the Gadsden Flag on their private property (for those who don’t know what the Gadsden Flag is, it’s the yellow flag with a coiled rattle snake set above an historical quote “Don’t Tread On Me”, which dates back to the Revolutionary War).  Sheesh.
  • Barney Franks is literally sleeping with the guy who manages/runs/operates (the CEO) Fannie Mae during the time where Fannie Mae was growing out of control with Mortgage Backed Securities and issuing “give away” loans to individuals classified as “high risk” (all done out of the idea of political correctness, perceived fairness, and racism).  To date, there has been NO investigation into Barney Franks or his incredible conflict of interest!  Hell, he was literally having gay sex with the CEO of the company that serves as the epicenter of our economic meltdown!
  • Obama goes on record as saying that Palestine deserves a state at the expense of Israel and it’s clear that the protection of Israel is very low on his priority list.
  • In May of 2009, Obama discusses the idea of limiting executive pay for ALL industries regardless if they accepted TARP or Stimulus funds.
  • After promising Americans that he will put an end to lobbyists having access to administration officials, Obama hires several lobbyists to serve in cabinet level positions.
  • Nearly $900 Billion is earmarked in the much hyped “Stimulus Bill” as pure pork, which is another thing that Obama promised Americans he would put an end to.  Isn’t it odd that we were told how dire and critical it was to pass the Obama stimulus bill, but when it was finally passed we saw that a ridiculous amount of money was being spent on legislative “pet projects” that are completely unnecessary…not to mention that only 3% of said funds would even be spent in the first fiscal year.  I thought it was critical to get this bill passed?  Keep in mind that it was physically IMPOSSIBLE for ANY of our nation’s legislators to have actually read the bill before passing it.  Absolutely unbelievable!
  • Jeffery Immelt is currently serving as Obama’s director of the Economic Recovery Team.  Tom Daschle is currently serving GE as the director of their new “Healthymagination” initiative, which is the main thrust behind cap and trade legislature.  Can you say “collusion” or “conflict of interest”?  I thought liberals were against corporations having too much control?  Obama also extended $140 billion to GE Capital, Inc.  Hmmm!

I hope everyone is able to read the details of what’s presented in this list and consider the consequences that may follow down the road.  No one is thinking beyond the next election, but the simple sad truth is that we can’t wait until the next election to rise up and challenge the ridiculousness that is going on in Washington D.C.!  You can’t say I didn’t tell you so!  In just four months, Obama has managed to do more harm to our country than any president in the history of our great country.  The constitution literally hangs by a thread and is no longer regarded as our governing document, but rather as a list of recommendations or out of date ideas. 

Folks, the time to act is NOW!  Our leadership in D.C. is completely out of control and the consequences will be felt for decades if we don’t rise up and do something about it…NOW!

Thomas Jefferson once said: “If the people fear the government then that is tyranny; if the government fears the people then that is liberty”.  In your opinion…who fears who right now?  Are we engulfed in tyranny or liberty?

Don’t Tread On Me!!!

Recently, Keif Olbermann was exposed as a “wanna-be ladies man” by a woman whom he apparently treated like a stray cat.  We all know how stray cats are treated, too.  Here’s the NY Post article that exposed Olbermann as a pompus numbskull who is apparently in need of the internet to find his women:


October 9, 2006 — A BROWN-haired beauty who claims she had an unsatisfying one-night stand with Keith Olbermann is getting her sweet revenge – she’s launched a blog to warn other women about the acerbic MSNBC commentator’s boorish bedroom habits.

The bitter babe, who calls herself KarmaBites1, says she doesn’t want others “to fall into the same trap . . . and I want him to feel some remorse for what he’s done . . . He sets his mind on a woman, lures her in, and once he gets what he wants, he refuses to ever speak to them again. And I don’t think he understands the damage he’s caused.”

A 30-something office worker of Caribbean descent, KarmaBites1 said she struck up an e-mail friendship with Olbermann, whom she admired, and agreed to fly to New York to meet him last May. She says he came to her hotel room and opened a bottle of Merlot which he “spilled all over.” Then, when “sexual activity began [in] less than an hour,” Olbermann had difficulty. “I pretended he knew what he was doing,” the embittered blogger writes. “I adored the guy. I didn’t want him to think he was a dud in bed,” so she faked experiencing ecstasy. (more…)